How to cure otitus

November 28th, 2010 by admin

Otitus is an ENT-disease, that corresponds inflammatory process in an ear. Its symptoms are – pain in an ear, which can be pulsating, darting or aching of various intensity. The pain can extend to different parts of a head and even to teeth. It can become stronger during swallowing, cough and sneezing. Otitus is usually followed by overall weakness, disorder of sleep and appetite, dizziness. The temperature during otitus usually rises up to 38-39 degrees C, but sometimes stays normal. Stuffiness and noise in ear, hearing loss are also typical for otitus. If there is any secretion from an ear (serous, bloody or purulent) it is an indication of tympanic membrane perforation.

Otitus cure

Treating otitus is usually a task of a doctor – otolaryngologist. Treatment starts from diagnostics. Seeing a doctor is necessary in order to indicate the type of otitus and to reduce the risk of choosing the wrong treatment tactics. However if you are not able to see doctor within several hours, you should start home treatment anyway.

Basic otitus treatment

Usually otitus flow together with a basic disease that led to ear inflammation. And otitus cure is possible only after the basic disease has been cured. The treatment of upper airways and nasal breathing recovery are always necessary. A patient should avoid exposure to cold. Immunogens and vitamin complexes are usually prescribed.

During otitus bed rest and light, calorie rich, vitaminized food are recommended.

Antibacterial otitus treatment

This treatment is aimed at microorganisms that caused the inflamation. Antibiotics are applied for such purpose, sometimes together with sulfanamides. All the remedies should be prescribed by the doctor, however some of the drops can be applied right away: Otipax, Otinum, Sofradex. It is forbidden to use the antibiotics that can injure hearing apparatus: Gentamicin, Streptomycin, Amikacin! To reduce the allergization of the body antihistaminic medicine is prescribed. In case of acute ear pain analgesic remedies are taken.

It is necessary to repeat that the exact complex, dosage, optimal way of taking of necessary drugs for otitus treatment should be chosen by a doctor if you want effective results.

Local otitus treatment

When curing otitus the external acoustic duct gets regularly desinfected by 40% ethyl alcohol or irrigated by 2% boric acid solution with further drying by probe covvered with a cotton, or treated 10% synthomycine emulsion.

In case of abundant secretion from an ear during otitus it is recommended to timely (with a help of gauze turundas or probe covered with cotton) remove the discharge, preliminary pouring 5-7 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution pouring into acoustic duct. External acoustic duct is oiled by sterile vazeline or any other liquid oil in order to avoid skin injure.

To provide free breathing more you should drop vasoconstrictive drops in your nose – Naphthyzinum, Halazolin, Sanorin, Farmazolinum.

Hot compress is usually placed on parotid area, however consultation with a doctor on this procedure is strongly recommended. This can be semi-alcohol compress or dry heat (of heated enough, thoroghly wrapped coarse salt).

Physiotherapy otitus treatment

While curing otitus ultrahigh frequency waves are applied to the ear area, ultraviolet irradiation (quartz) of the external acoustic duct, auricle. Entotic laser therapy is also effective. Ear inflation is also an otitus treatment procedure. All the treatment activities of this type must be only iniciated by otolaryngologist in the outpatient setting. Hospitalization is indicated only in cases of atypical or severe course of atitus.

Usually the success of otitus treatment directly depends on which procedures are chosen. Proper treatment in 99% of cases leads to favorable outcome, while improper methods usually result in cronical otitus that develops from accute form.

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How to cure stomatitis

November 1st, 2010 by admin

Stomatitis – collective name for diseases of the oral mucosa, a variety of causes and clinical manifestations.

Stomatitis cure

The classification of stomatitis is based on various criteria:

1) the clinical course: acute and chronic stomatitis;

2) the nature of morphological changes – Primary (catarrhal, fibrinous, alterative and proliferative inflammation) and Secondary (erosion, aphthae, ulcers, spots, scars);

3) by reason of:

  • damages arising from mechanical, physical and chemical injury (abrasion, AFTA Bednar, radiation, chemical and thermal burns);
  • diseases are caused by viral infections (herpes, measles, vetryanochny canker), bacterial infections (streptococcal, scarlatinal, tubercular, gonorrheal sores), fungal infections (thrush, chronic oral candidiasis), spirochetes and fuzospirilleznoy Flora (syphilis, ulcer-necrotic Vincent’s stomatitis);
  • diseases caused by allergic reactions in the contact, microbial and drug allergy;
  • changes in the oral mucosa in some systemic diseases and illnesses exchange.

Consider the most famous among the public and common forms of stomatitis. Previously, stomatitis was considered purely child disease, and divided into fungal (or yeast), and aphthous (or herpes) stomatitis. At the present time, as seen from the above classification, the structure of diseases of the oral mucosa increased, but the proportion of infectious stomatitis is fairly high.

At the oral mucosa many infectious diseases are revealed. The main feature of most of them – the possibility of transmission from patient healthy organism under appropriate conditions. Infection occurs as a result of the interaction of three main factors: the microbe, microorganism and the environment. The main role may belong to one or another of these factors in different cases. The presence of the agent – compulsory, but not always a fundamental condition.

Mouth is normally abundantly populated by microorganisms, most of which are opportunistic. Under the influence of certain factors the virulence of certain species of flora increase, from opportunistic they become pathogenic. This contributes to reducing local and general immunity, the penetration of microbes into the tissues after trauma, disruption of their symbiotic equilibrium (with the use of certain drugs). Diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic flora, called endogenous, or self-infection. They include candidiasis, pustular infection and others.

Stomatitis treatment

    If you see the signs of stomatitis, try to avoid smoking cigarettes, salty and spicy food, coffee and chewing gums.
  • Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day by warm water. You may add hydrogen peroxide to it – 1 tablespoon per glass. And, if water is mixed with carrot juice in equal proportions, it will be of more help.
  • garlic can also be very useful. Grind 2 teeth of garlic and mix with 2 teaspoons of yogurt. Warm the mix up a bit and spread over affected area. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
  • Besides, apply wet clean peeled potato to affected area.
  • Pay the most attention to medical remedies. After meal use disinfectant mouth washer from a store. Also use the drugs which are intended for oral cavity treatment. The most known and effective are
    Faringosept, Hexaspray and Hexoral.

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