How to cure osteochondrosis
For the treatment of osteochondrosis doctors usually prescribe multiple medications. In complicated cases i.e. where osteochondrosis complicated by herniated disc, a person is more often sent to the operation and the operation is perceived as a serious one. Although currently we have an opposite approach with the help of laser medicine and do not have to break the bone to get to the hernia. Yet, the method provides a reasonable large percentage of recurrence of hernia formation, and in some cases it may not be applicable since it may be followed with more severe consequences. In connection with such a situation more and more people prefer to turn their sight towards alternative ways of treatment of osteochondrosis. More and more organizations “crop up” offering their exclusive method of treatment with a growing number of specially designed simulators and devices at the medical centers that combine several types of treatments under one roof and at the same time.
The most common treatments are: manual therapy, medication and physiotherapy. Less commonly used methods are the folk remedies, massage cupping, Hirudotherapy, traction, bee venom therapy and many others.
Each of these treatment approaches has a number of arguments in favor and against and as there are patients who are not being helped by one of the above mentioned since it may perhaps made the situation worse. A very common complication after manipulation therapy is the one that in some cases massage does not help and is contraindicated, especially if not done by a professional. Some, often administered drugs, in addition to treatment of osteochondrosis adversely affect other organs, especially the liver and digestive organs.
Folk methods for successful treatment process (to be combined with medical care)
- Prepare the following composition: take knot-grass of 4 tablespoons with so called strawberry timber pharmacy and 2 tablespoons of barberry common. All to be boiled in a one liter of water to be taken 3 times a day with the quantity of one tablespoon at a time. Alternatively you may use alcohol insist of the same stuff so in such case t ake 25 drops 4 times a day. The treatment course of 30 days, then make a break for 14 days and over again. Simultaneously, during the treatment period you are to do medical gymnastics. Apply with osteochondrosis or exchange polyarthritis.
- Mix the following ingredients in the recommended quantities: Highlander snake dry grass in one tablespoon, fragrant celery (root), Lemon balm, a series of Trifid and red bilberry leafs with wild rose cinnamaldehyde root – all in a quantity of 2 tablespoons. Take one liter of boiling water to take 6 tablespoons of above mentioned collection and boil again. Consume 50 ml of that times a day. Apply in severe osteochondrosis or exchange polyarthritis.
- Use 100 g. of cranberry leaves insist to be boiled for 2 hours in 2,5 liters of water and filtered afterwards, to add 1.25 cups of infusion of 40% alcohol. Then, retain it for 15 minutes tantalized over low heat. Drink in a portion of halh of cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is considered for 6 months.
- Take 5 g. of the medicinal root of lovage and pour a glass of water, then bring the stuff to a boil condition. After boiled for 10-15 minutes make it insisting for 2-3 hours and filter. Drink in the deposition of salts and 1 tablespoon of 3 – 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
- Use 2 tablespoons of the leaves of heather poured into a liter of water to be boiled for 10-15 minutes on low heat, insist night and filter. Drink as a tea during the day. The course of treatment is considered for 3 months, then break for 2-3 weeks and recurrence rate.
- With the deposition of salt is perfect for cutting celery. It is useful also because it contains a lot of vitamins. The infusion is prepared from the root in a quantity of 3-4 g of minced raw poured into a liter of slightly cooled boiling water, let it brew for 8 hours and strain. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day. You can use fresh juice from the roots of celery and drunk on 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The monthly rate may be repeated after an interval of 2-3 weeks.
- Pick up pine nut to clean and fill them 1 / 3 of a half-liter bottles-tion. Pour a bottle of alcohol. Let it brew for 3-4 weeks. Color infusions should be brown. Take it in the morning at half of a cup cold water with 5 drops of tincture. The course of treatment – from 3-4 to 6 months.
- Prepare the following composition: a horse chestnut of 3 tablespoons with century plant of 100 g. and camphor oil of 50 g. with fat domestic pork unsalted ( 50 g.). Add to that purified turpentine of 30 g and vodka or other strong beverages of 200ml. The stuff after mixing has to be placed to insist during 9 days in a dark place. Then apply a thin layer on black bread and attach it hurts. If you burn, shoot and at a later time to make. If it is warm, do not shoot. Apply for spontaneous disease, osteochondrosis.
Posted in Bones and Muscles