How to cure abscess
Abscess is seen as a delimited accumulation of pus in various tissues and organs. The abscess must be distinguished from cellulitis which means diffuse purulent inflammation of tissue and empyema which is accumulation of pus in body cavities and hollow organs.
The causative of this form of purulent process is often staphylococcus which is the sole source or in association with streptococcus and Escherichia coli as well as Proteus and other types of the microflora.
The most common ways of penetration of microbes and the development of abscesses are numerous: skin damage, the spread of infection from the primary tumor, suppuration hematoma if it is followed by limited outcoming of blood, cysts which is a limited capsule fluid accumulation and the introduction of the soft tissue of concentrated solutions of drugs and lymphogenic metastasis purulent infection etc.
A special feature is the presence of an abscess pyogenic membrane i.e. the inner wall of purulent cavity being created by the surrounding inflammatory tissue and seen as a manifestation of a normal protective reaction of the human organism. Pyogenic membrane is lined with granulation tissue and it demarcates a purulent-necrotic process and produces exudates effect.
Depending on the localization distinguish the surface in the subcutaneous tissue and deep one in the organs, tissues and cavities abscesses. Superficial abscesses are characterized by classical symptoms of acute inflammation: hyperemia of the skin, swelling, local pain, local increases reflected in body temperature and impaired function. In tuberculous spondylitis pus often is distributed on interstitial cracks far from the initial appearance (e.g. medial surface of the thigh) and forming a wandering abscess like wandering abscess.
Common clinical manifestations of abscess are typical of purulent-inflammatory processes of any location: fever of subfebrile which brings the body temperature up to 41C ° (in severe cases), malaise and weakness, loss of appetite and strong headache. In the blood indicated by leukocytosis with neutrophilia and shift to the left of leukocyte. The extent of these changes depends on the severity of the pathological process. The clinical picture of abscesses for various organs have a specific characteristics due to the localization process. The outcome of an abscess may be a spontaneous dissection of a breakthrough to the outside (subcutaneous abscess, mastitis, paraproctitis, etc.), the breakthrough and emptying into the closed cavity (peritoneal, pleural, in the joint cavity, etc.), a breakthrough in the lumen of bodies, communicating with the external environment (intestine, stomach, bladder, bronchi, etc.). Bowels abscess cavity under favorable conditions, decreases in size, collapses and undergoes scarring. Incomplete emptying the abscess cavity and its poor drainage process may proceed with the formation of a chronic fistula. Breakthrough of pus in the closed cavity leads to the development in them purulent processes (peritonitis, pleurisy, pericarditis, meningitis, arthritis, etc.).
Abscess care
An essential factor in the successful fight against various abscesses is in their early diagnosis and treatment. This is possible only if a timely appeal to trained professionals working in multidisciplinary clinics with modern diagnostic laboratory.
The diagnosis of an abscess is an indication for surgical intervention, whose goal is opening a purulent cavity and its emptying and drainage. Treatment of small superficial abscesses subcutaneous tissue performed in the outpatient setting.
If you suspect that an abscess of the internal organs of urgent patients to be hospitalized in the surgical department. In some abscesses, such as the liver and lung ones sometimes we are to spend puncture with aspiration of pus and subsequent introduction into the cavity abscess, antibiotics, enzyme preparations. Organ resection (e.g. lung) together with abscess as a radical method of flow is used only for chronic abscess. In mature brain abscess with a well defined capsule may remove an abscess, together with its capsule.
The treatment procedure after opening the abscess is the same as the treatment of purulent wounds. Patients provide a complete balanced diet, they can be shown a transfusion of blood products, blood substitutes. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity to them microflora. Use tools specific therapy – staphylococcal anatoxin, specific gamma-globulin. When abscess that developed on the background of diabetes mellitus, must be corrected metabolic disorders.
The prognosis for treated early superficial abscesses and easily accessible for surgical intervention are mostly favorable. In later executed operation, inadequate drainage of abscess may shift the process from becoming chronic and generalized infection.
Posted in Neoplasms