How to cure hypertension

August 31st, 2010 by admin

Hypertension is feasible in high blood pressure first of all. The presence of hypertension is indicated if the increase in blood pressure is reported by a doctor within at least three control measurements of blood pressure.

Hypertension cure

Predispose to the development of Hypertension is stress, smoking, weakness, weight gain, impaired function of the endocrine system, kidney disease, old age, heredity and excess salt in food. Of major importance in the diagnosis and nature of the violations of individual organs and systems are instrumental research methods (ECG, echocardiography and ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound of the heart as well as lipid metabolism, determination of creatinine, urea and potassium.

Hypertension can be both a cause and consequence of renal disease progression in which it plays a key role. Among the causes of chronic renal failure, hypertension prevalence, ranks second after diabetes.

Hypertension: features and cure

Often you can find the view that the good tolerability of high numbers of blood pressure can not be treated. It is not only fundamentally wrong, but dangerous. Chronically elevated levels of blood pressure can contribute to the development of such troubles as heart failure, kidney failure, visual impairment, stroke, coronary heart disease. So it is better still to have this thing be treated!

Argued that as a rule in the treatment procedure of hypertension doctors tend to reduce the pressure to the so-called “Working numbers” i.e. those on which a person asserts that they are for him “normal”. Occasionally a patient may say that “working pressure” for him – 160/100 mm Hg. Art., and in such numbers it is a “normal sense. Such an approach is wrong. The doctor will definitely seek the way to reduce high blood pressure to normal numbers. This is absolutely unambiguous approach recommended now by all leading experts. There are perhaps only two exceptions to this rule – marked narrowing of the renal arteries in cases where no immediate surgery to remedy this condition and severe renal insufficiency.

If they say that the reduction of blood pressure to normal levels should be gradual in practice the danger may occur in the way instantaneous reduction in pressure by more than 25 percent of the original level which can be harmful for the organism. In general, hypertension should take a practice to regularly in terms of monitoring the blood pressure.

Among the most modern methods of hypertension treatment there is a method, based on the fact that when you have “deep breathing” that creates a deficit of CO2 required for the normal functioning of the organism. And finally, a few words about the relation with the treatment of arterial hypertension, smoking and alcohol. Smoking is not conducive to health in general and the normalization of pressure in particular since nicotine constricts blood vessels and this leads to an increase in pressure. Talking about the fact that smoking calms and thus reduces the pressure should not be taken seriously. It turns out that high blood pressure not to smoke. Alcohol in moderation can reduce vascular tone and thus reduce the pressure. Even beer (of course not in the horse doses), contrary to popular belief does not lead to aggravation of hypertension (definitely need to have healthy kidneys).

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How to cure hematoma

August 25th, 2010 by admin

Well, hematoma is perceived by doctors as a limited accumulation of blood in closed and open injuries of organs and tissues with a break or in other words injury vessels seen as a cavity containing a liquid or clotted blood.

Hematoma cure

Classifications of hematoma depends upon it’s localization i.e. subserous, subdural, intramuscular, etc. The relationship to the lumen of blood vessel being either throbbing or not pulsating is the state of out coming blood either coiled, infected or festering. The main symptoms of hematoma, located in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, are as follows: stuck pain, the presence of limited swelling, impaired function of the muscles, changes color from purple-red to yellow-green, often raise the local temperature. When a hematoma of the internal organs to the fore the symptoms of compression of the latter.

Intracerebral hematoma

There is no clear definition of “traumatic Intracerebral hematoma” which currently does reflect the real thing so far because of the continuing evolution of views on the pathogenesis of the process of traumatic hemorrhage or hemorrhagic contusion of the brain. Generally, the diagnosis is being made by computed tomography (CT) of the brain which is enhancing detecting focus of increased density in the parenchyma of the brains towards a patient with traumatic brain injury i.e. many scientists do not include this concept foci less than 1 cm in maximum dimension of it. Foci of hemorrhage is most often detected in brain areas mainly affected during acceleration / deceleration like the poles and the basal surface of the frontal, temporal and occipital lobes. Traumatic hemorrhage is usually carrying out less mass effect than would be expected for a given volume. Also, it has a tendency to a progressive increase in a few days after the injury, which reveal in consecutive control CT. In some cases, delayed hemorrhage develops, in which case it is called “later stage of traumatic hemorrhage”. CT carried out after a few months after the injury, identify minimal changes in the substance of the brain.

Acute traumatic subdural hematoma is reflected more over as blood pools in the space between the inner layer of the dura mater and the arachnoid of the brain. In patients with acute traumatic subdural hematoma is commonly found significantly more primary brain damage than patients epidural hematoma, so the results of treatment of this group of patients is much worse. The same thing occurs if we take a look at chronic subdural hematoma, which usually occurs in older people (average age – 63 years). Less than 50% of them can reveal a history of traumatic brain injury. In 20-25% of cases of chronic subdural hematoma is bilateral.
Epidural hematoma is more often a local accumulation of blood in the space between the inner surface of the skull and the outer layer of the dura mater.

Treatment of hematoma

Treatment of small hematomas are conservative: local cold and compression band, analgesics, and a few days after the injury for the physiotherapy. For large hematomas we require evacuation of liquid blood by puncture with a subsequent imposition of a pressure bandage. In the event of renewed bleeding autopsy showed bruises perstriction or angiorrhaphy. When suppuration hematomas shown its opening and drainage. In uncomplicated hematomas prognosis is usually favorable.

Treatment of intracerebral hematoma in most cases is also conservative with support of vital functions, correction of intracranial pressure in order to maintain it below 25 mm Hg (Mannitol, ventricular drainage, barbiturates, hyperventilation).

The treatment of acute traumatic subdural hematoma in most cases needs urgent surgical intervention like craniotomy and removal of hematoma. Absolute indications for surgery is hematoma thickness greater than 1 cm according to CT scan. Postoperatively, the necessity for intensive therapy with the support of vital functions and control the level of blood pressure.

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How to cure hemorrhoid (part 2)

April 2nd, 2010 by admin

Are there effective ways to cure hemorrhoid? Most of the sick associate treatment with the necessity of painful surgery. However proctology is a dynamically developing branch of medicine. And at present it has both highly effective drugs and spare efficient remedies for hemorrhoid treatment in its arsenal.

According to one of the versions, Napoleon had lost Battle of Waterloo due to an acute fit of hemorrhoid. It is said he was not able to sit on his horse and control army moves. Maybe this fact gives rise to doubt. However one can be sure that such disease ad hemorrhoid can instantly and misfortunately unhorse anybody.

Conservative treatment methods (medicinal preparation)

hemorrhoid drugs

Hemorrhoid is usually treated by local preparations (rectal suppositories and ointments). As a rule they are all complex – contain several active components. The preparations lower tissues edema and inflammation as well as deaden pain and itch. Heparin which is included in all of them promotes blood supply improvement and thrombi liquefaction. Now the market of hemorrhoid remedies is represented by a wide range of drugs: Proctozone, Ultraproct, Hepatrombin, Proctosedyl etc. But all the preparations have nuances of application in each particular case; therefore adequate medication can be prescribed only by proctologist.

In order to improve the effectiveness of local preparations remedies, ameliorating vascular tone and impeding blood clot organization (Detralex, Troxevasin), should be taken internally.

Medicamental treatment methods are exceptionally symptomatic – that is do not radically cure hemorrhoid. However they allow coping temporarily with annoying hemorrhoid signs. It has been proven that if a patient follows doctor’s recommendations on prophylaxis of hemorrhoid relapses he can avoid surgical therapy. Though as practice shows most people are not willing to change their lifestyle, their job – in general to remove those risk factors that provoke hemorrhoid development. That is why it is reasonable to solve hemorrhoid problem once and for all – with the help of radical surgical therapy.

Semisurgical operations (spare methods)

A special substance which promotes sticking of cavernous vessels walls is injected into hemorrhoidal bolus. As a result the bolus ceases to exist (is substituted for connective tissue).

The operation is performed it conditions of clinic, do not require central and local anesthesia. Sclerosing agent (e.g., etoxisclerol) after detecting rectum lumen is injected into hemorrhoidal bolus peduncle. The manipulation requires extremely high precision and proctologist’s experience.

Extreme temperatures exposure
Cryodestruction (by extremely low temperature) and focused infrared coagulation (by extremely high one) are used. At the same time hemmoroidal boluses are subject to necrosis. If hemmorhoidal boluses are big the operation may take several sessions. It is considered to be reasonably effective remedy of hemorrhoid cure at initial and middle stages of development.

Boluses ligation with the help of latex rings

boluses ligation

Stretched rings are put on the base of hemorrhoidal bolus by special apparatus: nourishment of bolus is discontinued and its necrotization takes place. At the end of the process the bolus is rejected together with the ring.

All these operations are scarcely traumatic, painless and easily taken by patients. In some cases patients are disturbed by discomfort while the intervention is performed. In rare cases patients mention pain, but it is not intensive and can be cut off by anesthetic preparations.

Minor surgery in hemorrhoid cure may be applied at all the stages of the disease with the exception of acute forms. However on later stages of hemorrhoid (III-IV) these methods are mostly used as a preparation for performing radical surgery. But these methods have significant disadvantage – they do not remove the cause of hemorrhoid, namely blood supply disturbance of hemorrhoidal boluses. Therefore the symptoms can reoccur (relapse) on the average in 3-5 years. Recurrence rate with these methods is from 15% to 45% (the earlier the stage at which the operation is done, the lower the probability).

Radical operations – eliminate hemorrhoid causes

Longo procedure
The most popular type of surgical hemorrhoid treatment. It is comparatively short procedure, and that is important if there are contraindications to traditional hemorrhoidectomy. Operative intervention implies excision of rectum mucous membrane above hemorrhoidal bolus. However patients often experience pain during postoperative period. In addition the method may be applied only on early stages of hemorrhoid (I-II).

Boluses excision

boluses excision

A traditional operation – hemorrhoidectomy (boluses excision) is still a successful practice. The operation is quite traumatic, is performed under general anesthetic. Postoperative period is long and requires thorough rectum care and usage of painkillers. At present many world’s leading proctologists consider hemorrhoid disarterization to be the most preferable method.



It is the cutting-edge procedure of surgical hemorrhoid cure. Its idea is to cut the artery which feeds blood to the enlarged bolus. To perform transanal hemorroid disarterization a special equipment (ultrasound apparatus with dopplerometry function) is needed. This allows proctologist not to work “blindly”, as, for example, in sclerotherapy. The equipment gives an opportunity to accurately find artery which supplies blood to the hemorrhoidal bolus and accurately cut it under vision control. The procedure may be done in the outpatient setting and does not require painkillers usage during postoperative period.

boluses ligation

The main advantages of the method are minimal operation duration (15 min), absence of blood, high effectiveness, applicability on all stages of hemorrhoid. The operation is scarcely traumatic, that a patient does not need a medical certificate and is able to proceed with his regular daily duties the next day.

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How to cure hemorrhoid (part 1)

April 2nd, 2010 by admin

Hemorrhoid treatment in accordance with the most common and well known European folk means.

Hemorrhoids is in fact a disease which is reflected on the human’s body in a form of nodular enlargement of hemorrhoidal venous plexus in the form of submucous layer related to the anal canal and under the skin of the anal region. Hemorrhoids are a cluster of cavernous tissue.

This is a very common disease among people who either have a sitting kind of lifestyle or the ones who have troubles in terms of shitting regarding to nervs usually associated with obstruction of venous outflow during straining (constipation, birth), pregnancy, raising the pressure in the portal vein, with infection (proctitis), with diarrhea, an abundance of gas in the intestines, incomplete emptying of the rectum of feces. There are two types of hemorrhoids – external and internal. The most common reason for poor circulation is the one which is the consequence of sedentary lifestyle. Thus, it has to be assumed as a great importance that the “cropped up” sequence is the constitutional disposition.

Hemorrhoid formation

Patients complain of pain during defecation, feeling of heaviness and burning, itching in the anus, bleeding from his or admixture of blood on the ass hole

Hemorrhoids occurs in two forms i.e. the acute and the chronic form.

The chronic form is characterized by:

  • allocation of blood coming out under pressure from the anus which occurs in somewhat 67 to 80% of cases known;
  • emergency loss of nodes from the anus comprising the amount of 35 up to 46%;
  • itching cases being at the level of about 4.9%;
  • mucus coming with about 1-5% in accordance with to the constant deposition of irreducible knots.

The acute form of hemorrhoids is characterized by:

  • unpleasant and severe pain coming out of anus;
  • overall increase with respect to amount of nodes;
  • inflammatory changes in the hemorrhoidal node and surrounding tissues.

Approximately 30-35% of cases of acute hemorrhoids complicated by necrosis of the site with the release of a blood clot formed from the defect, in this case to the described symptoms associated allocation of blood, not associated with bowel movement, which may be abundant in nature.

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