How to cure insomnia

August 22nd, 2010 by admin

Probably each of us at least once in our live suffered from insomnia. Well, it could be the night before an exam, or before an important meeting when you tried to go early and get a good sleep. Instead, lay for hours without sleep, painfully scrolling options for upcoming events. Or, coming after a hard day, literally sleeping on the go, you went to bed dreaming of coveted vacation, but alas, the bed uncomfortable, it prevented some barely discernable sound – and wants to sleep forever disappears. Such problems regularly arise in 30-45% of people, half of them become chronic.

Insomnia cure

In the course of insomnia is divided into three stages.

First – this is the onset of sleep difficulties or disorders i.e. trouble when falling asleep. And gradually formed a human whole rituals, bedtime, you may see “the fear of bed” or fear of “non-occurrence of sleep.”

Problem of the second phase is frequent nocturnal awakening from a sound or from a deep sleep, nightmares, feelings of pain, respiratory failure, sudden movements, after which the man can not sleep for a long time.

Finally, the third stage which is the most troubleshooting. In comes when there is a problem of heavy morning surge followed with low efficiency, feeling broken and drowsiness.

There are also cases where a person complains that “no sleep during the night, but during the checkup the doctor revealed that he was asleep, and at least 5 hours a day. This situation is called a distorted perception of sleep or sleeping agnosia.

So, if you have insomnia, you may well be that the problem is easily solved if you learn to sleep properly! That means you are supposed to organize your schedule of work and leisure, as a rule, take before bedtime a warm, relaxing bath, maybe you should undergo autotraining.
In cases where insomnia is caused by fatigue, stress, you can take sleeping pills, but it should be remembered that, firstly, you must strictly follow the rules of taking this product, and secondly, that the duration of any hypnotics should not exceed 10-14 days. During this period, as a rule, not habit-forming and addiction, and there is no problem of drug discontinuation. To observe this principle is difficult, since most people prefer to use drugs, rather than painfully endure sleep disturbance.

You may also need further examination by a neurologist. For the treatment of insomnia you can assign physiotherapy treatment, phototherapy, acupuncture course, a course of psychotherapy.

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How to cure depression

August 3rd, 2010 by admin

Depression as a typical decease of the modern society

According to the data obtained by World Health Organization(WHO) depression is going by the year 2015 achieve the first place among all the diseases of mankind taking over and leaving behind cardiovascular disorders and oncology who used to be the leaders for a long tine being.

Depression cure

Diagnosing Depression

Well, do you by any chance know that depression is not only a bad mood feasible by the majority of people since it’s being easily noticeable but also wanton despair and crying caused by specific reasons. First and foremost of that is the lack of enjoyment of life which seems like the psychologists say “have lost all their paint, leaving us with only one gray”. Is it true or not in fact? There is nothing but a grave duty suffering and disease at first glance. When a person has lowered his/her hands being suffering by tortured insomnia, sexual desire disappears and no strength even to the usual household chores, you can get help from our experts.

What to do in order to treat depression?

In many clinics nowadays they are offering personal approach conducted individual selection of drug therapy i.e. monotherapy with antidepressants of the last generation and appointed by the comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation programs with the use of psychotherapy, hypnosis, light and music, hardware and software biofeedback and other techniques in combination with additional type like the general therapeutic programs in outpatient center or spa vacation. In fact this stuff sounds cool but does not cover everything and is not suitable for every patient.

A bit more information about depression therapy

It is well known that in the Western Clinics they pay articular attention is the treatment of patients suffering from depression using individual psychotherapy. It does not only reduce drug load, but also significantly shortens the hospital stay. Well, in the most cases it is more or less fruitful since is one
does not postpone the visit to such clinic that will help in such ways as:

  • Bleak, depression, decreased mood.
  • Loss of vital interests.
  • Failure to take a decision, the compulsive return to the same issues.
  • Fear (before the daily life or indeterminate), inner restlessness, anxiety.
  • Tiredness, lack of energy.
  • Insomnia, somnolence.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss or conversely overeating.
  • Lack of sexual interest.
  • Feeling of pressure, heaviness or pain in the abdomen, chest and other body parts.
  • Autonomic symptoms (dry mouth, constipation, sweating, etc.).
  • Inability to concentrate, memory impairment.
  • Frequent alcoholism or substance abuse, giving temporary relief.
  • Thoughts of suicide (in severe cases).

In fact, you may agree or disagree with that statement but it works to some extent! And in our practice we can introduce many cases when a person has not only demonstrated healthy results but redeemed in terms of behavior towards his/her friends and relatives.

More related information

Depression in a medical term is referred as a mental illness, the main features of which are persistent long-term decline of mood with feeling of sadness and feeling of hopelessness. This condition may be associated with motor inhibition and sometimes excitement with slower thinking and anxiety causing self-accusatory ideas. It more often is forwarded by sleep disturbances like early morning awakening and violation of appetite, decreased libido.

Depression is sometimes masked by somatic diseases also. In such case, people will complain for the loss of efficiency, weakness, weight loss, high blood pressure, palpitations, abdominal pain, arthralgia, back pain, etc. In other words that means people complain about the poor general state of health, loss of strength like the “life strength is leaving them”. To understand the real cause of these disorders require extensive psycho diagnostics.

Doctors say severe depression is more often accompanied by suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide and may be a manifestation of the manic-depressive psychosis schizophrenia or consequence of severe poisoning of the body, or alcohol abuse among long-term. Such kind of people urgently require the professional psychotherapeutic care in the hospital!

How to prevent the development of depression?

  • You are not to apply too much to ask to yourself.
  • Do not blame yourself for failure i.e. not “hung up” on it, but first of all – calm down and collect your thoughts and carefully analyze what was your mistake and then try to find a fresh appropriate solution.
  • Make a daily routine thing and try to strictly follow it.
  • Try to reward yourself for any personal achievements (eg, buy new dresses, a ticket to the resort, a ticket to the cinema, theater, etc.).
  • Daily exercise and actively participate in sports. Visit the fitness club (at least 2 times a week)!
  • Periodically relax as you like i.e. being alone, in company with his family.
  • Most often communicate with family and friends.
  • If in your life you have lived through a depression, to prevent its recurrence you should periodically consult with your doctor, therapist, and attend special psychological training.

Women Depression: more complicated cases?

What if I suffer from depression which is called “loved one”?

  • Do not ignore “unnecessary” requests and complaints of patients with depression.
  • Avoid trite comforting words or trivial encouragement to not cause a false suspicion of indifference to his condition.
  • Encourage people in the transience of depressed mood, be heated strongly hope for a speedy recovery.
  • Do not let the fact that the patient felt helpless man, or felt a keen sense of guilt.
  • Release of depressive patients from the need to take serious decisions.
  • Behave with him quietly, smoothly and confidently, as if nothing has happened in your life.
  • Try to keep household habits of the patient.
  • Unload it on personal and official contacts.
  • Show sympathy and understanding and keep his/her internal struggle with depression.
  • Pay attention to the close person for all the positive developments in the course of the disease, while avoiding the “triumphant” intonations.
  • Do regular adherence of the day.
  • Do not allow the patient to lie around in the morning in bed, too early to lay down, and during the day for a long time was alone.
  • Make sure that the patient continued to take care of themselves.
  • Avoid feigned cheerfulness.
  • Do not get him lash and comments.
  • Do not self-medicate and not resort to the help of dubious persons from psychics, sorcerers and healers.
  • Remember that for depressive patients is characterized by failure to seek medical attention, so try to arrange their own visit to the doctor and be sure to accompany the patient.

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How to cure disseminated sclerosis

April 20th, 2010 by admin

Reasons for disseminated (multiple) sclerosis

The cause of multiple sclerosis is a mad immune system which is beginning to take its own cells affecting them spoiling the membrane that encloses nerve fibers since they are perceived as aliens. And the process of destruction starts randomly i.e. here and there and thus, the word – “scattered” is commonly mentioned in such type of disease.

Disseminated sclerosis cure

Traditional folk methods

  • The most simple and affordable treatment for people’s multiple sclerosis is just selection of the usual black sunflower seeds. To significantly improve the general condition is sufficient for a week every day to eat a glass of pure NOT roasted black seeds. It looks very simple but at the same time rather effective.
  • Also, traditional medicine in multiple sclerosis recommends to use water with tincture of nettle, Leonurus and Melis and hawthorn in quantities like one tablespoon of each herb in half a liter of boiling water. You are supposed to drink 30 ml for 20 minutes before eating.
  • A reasonably good and importantly and of high efficiency from multiple sclerosis is an onion with honey. Preparation procedure is very simple i.e. just mix 1 tbsp. l. onion juice with 1 tablespoon honey. Eat 1 tablespoon of a mixture obtained one hour before meals.
  • Use mummy in a quantity of 5 g. to be dissolved into 100 ml of boiled water at left to be cooled up to the room temperature. Take inside in a quantity of one tbsp 3 times a day before eating. The solution is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Take Propolis of 10 gr. and add 70% aqueous alcohol to be insisted for one week, occasionally shaking, pour off solution, while the remainder re-pour 200 ml of the same spirit and again insist week. Take 30 drops (from 50 ml of water) 3 times a day half an hour after taking the mummy.
  • Just make a tincture of larkspur also known as Delphinium of a 100 g. quantity with dry powdered herb being poured 1.5 liters of vodka and insist for 21 days in a dark place shaking the stuff every day, then strain. Take in drops only with 50 ml of water half an hour after infusion of propolis on the scheme i.e. 10 days to 15 drops 3 times a day. The next 10 days to 20 drops 3 times a day, then all subsequent days to cure to 30 drops 3 times a day. All medications are taken before meals with an interval of 30 minutes courses for 21 days, then 9 days of rest.
  • Bee venom. Well, it is seen as a very painful procedure although it brings good effect i.e. you have to practice bee stings in the spring and summer . Bees are put on the back between the vertebrae. The course is of one year duration with 600 bees involved overall.

Onion and gooseberries as a solution!

In case of having multiple sclerosis you should pay more attention to such traditional medicine as onion juice. Take the onions and finely chop them, or simply grate in case you do not have the juicer. If you have it you simply just squeeze one cup of onion juice and add the same amount of honey. Take one tablespoon three times a day and remember it has to be taken either one hour before or one hour after eating.

If you have multiple sclerosis occuring with headaches then do yourself a daily juice from the berries of black currant to be consumed like a one third a cup 2-3 times a day.

Gooseberries are very good for the multiple sclerosis. It is also a kind of folk remedy and the berry is growing in almost every garden. In fact, green gooseberries help well to strengthen health. This is a good tool to help you cure atherosclerosis.

Eat one tablespoon is not quite ripe fruit gooseberry. And most importantly do not distract from the gooseberries, dry stalks, because they contain substances that can reduce blood cholesterol.

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