How to cure acne naturally

December 29th, 2009 by admin

Looking at themselves in a mirror, many youths and girls wrinkle their noses in disappointment. Pimples grow as fast as mushrooms making life of the young unbearable. Sometimes it seems this process cannot be stopped but it’s not true. One can surely cope with acne or at least make it less plentiful and visible.

Acne appearance causes

We all know that usually acne is the problem of young people. The body starts to mature and change at hormonal level. It is precisely excess of hormones that makes pimples appear on a face and on a neck, and sometimes – on a back. The balance restoration goes on by itself and the only thing that we can do is taking brewer’s yeast with vitamins and minerals. Though their usage also won\\’ t make your face clean, but will only retard the process. In case if you don\\’ t see effect after 1-2 weeks of taking of these pills, you\\’ d better not proceed as you don\\’ t need other side effects of such vitamins.

It should be noted that in spite of the fact that all people have hormonal changes, not everyone suffers from acne. Young men and women with fat or mixed skin tend to struggle with these distressing manifestations. It is very easy to test your skin type: if you have fat skin, it becomes difficult to make clean your face without soap during washing. In this case traces will remain on a fabric if you have washed your face and blotted skin on your nose, cheeks by thin tissue. Pay attention to the fact that pimples mostly appear on a nose, cheeks, forehead, and above upper lip as well. Those are spots mostly inclined to impurity and secretion of fats.

The power of water

One of the main reasons of excessive fat level of your skin is constant intoxication of your bowels and your blood. Of course, if you stop smoking, drinking soda, coffee and alcohol, eating fast food and start drinking more kefir and green tea, eating more fruits, vegetables, greens, cooked cereals and soya, will be a great help for your skin.

Another way to refine your body, skin and to get rid of acne is to drink more water, especially melt water. All photo models, who have perfect skin and who look at us from TV screens and magazines, drink no less than 2-2.5 liters of still water and have no acne. You can do the same. Put somewhere in your room a nice carafe with water and you won\\’ t forget about drinking, as it is always in front of your eyes.

Cleanliness is an essential condition of health

face washing

It’s banal but true. Ideal cleanness of skin will help you to cure acne naturally. Now I will tell you how to look after inflamed, fat skin.

Do not squeeze

acne squeezing

Pretty often in order to get rid of the pimple we try to squeeze it out. And the next day we find it twice bigger with three smaller neighbors around. This is the result done by our own hands. Certainly, sometimes we need to do mechanical cleaning of the face and to simply squeeze out everything we can. But it’s necessary to do it right. Imagine the consequences if a surgeon cuts the appendix with unsterile scalpel. I think that at the best the patient will have to receive treatment for infection, and if neglected the disease could lead to lethal result. Squeezing the pimples out with your skin not prepared in advance, you also risk your health.

How to clean your skin

Widely open pores are typical for a fat skin. That is why it easily and quickly becomes dirty. Such skin requires special and careful treatment. Motes remains, getting into the pores, are the very factor, that provoke most of the pimples appeared. That is why the cleaning must be regular: daily with any cleaning agent and 2-3 times a week with deep cleanser.

Daily cleaning

face cleansing

At first you will need a usual washing with soap or washing foam. If you\\’ ve got combined skin, then apply cleaning agents only on fat areas. Washing should be done by warm water followed by cold water rinsing after complete removal of cleaning agents. Why do you need that? Warm or hot water promote pores widening and their better cleansing. Cleaning agents destroy fat layer and take it off your skin. Cold water will plug up the pores, blocking the access for dirt and bacteria to the deep layers of your skin. Consolidate the washing by wiping your face with the help of cotton swab impregnated with a lotion.

Which lotion to use

Today the choice is really wide. I am skeptical about advertised expensive products, as my life showed that expensive does not mean effective. So you can buy any lotion you like. The main thing is that it must be alcohol free. Alcohol, of course, promotes skin defatting and disinfection, but at the same time destroys the protective layer. It is much better to apply antibacterial tonics, cucumber lotions, good quality salicylic tonic. Pay close attention to the composition and herbal extracts included. Aloe, Sticktight, Celandine are perfect for regenerative process. Chamomile, Melissa, cucumber are good abirritants. Presence of these herbs in tonic will provide skin protection and healing.

In summertime use decoction from these herbs, obtained by steaming of approximately 2-3 teaspoons with boiling water, and after that wipe your face with this potion after each washing. You can use herbs separately or together.

What not to use

Don\\’ t use creams. Young skin, especially fat, is not inclined to early aging and wrinkles appearance. In does not require constant additional nourishment. The only case when creams are reasonable is treatment of inflamed areas by healing ointment. There are many types of them. I personally like Boro Plus. It promotes irritation removal, heals the sores and the scars. I won\\’ t write about its other medicinal characteristics, but the ointment of such type is indispensable helper in my medicine chest for the whole family.

Forget about such cosmetic preparations as toners, powder, and rouge. None of them really hides the defects from acne, even if applied in 1 cm layer. Though it for certain plugs and clogs the pores. The more you use them, the more the irritation of your supersensitive skin.

There is a belief, that powder helps drying the pimples out. In fact, talc, forming the basis of powder, has hygroscopic characteristics. But it also contains other matters, which have irritative effect. After all, your mind won\\’ t be crossed by the thought to spread powder on your face in order to dry it…

Mechanical cleaning

acne watching

If you want to do a mechanical cleaning of your face, then follow these rules:

  • Before you start squeezing pimples out, thoroughly wash your hands with warm water and soap 2-3 times in a row
  • Steam your face out over vapor bath. It is prepared very easily. Boil water in a pot, with herbs if you wish. Bend over it and cover yourself with large dense towel. In 10-15 minutes your skin will be steamed out and become more pliable, its pores will open. Press carefully, better use plastic cosmetic sticks. Squeeze the pimple from different sides in order not to damage the skin around it. All pimples have a so-called rod – solid contents. Keep squeezing the pimple out till these contents are completely out or else the inflammation will become stronger.
  • After you will remove everything you wanted, wash your face with warm and then with cold water as during regular washing. Cold water washing can be replaced by rubbing with ice cubes within 30-40 seconds. But no longer in order not to get your skin “weather-beaten”. Ice cubes can also be prepared from herbal decoction.
  • After mechanical cleaning on no account use any creams within one day. Just wipe the face with herbal decoction.

Deep cleaning

The procedure is done 2-3 times a week with the help of scrubs. The face should be streamed out beforehand, the same way as in mechanical cleaning. In the end of cleaning you should treat your skin with a lotion. You can use scrub-peeling, removing upper layer of epidermis and promoting faster growth of new cells.

Following this advice you will easily keep your skin clean and get rid of acne. Remember, first of all, it’s necessary to provide cleanliness and care, and then healing.

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Swine flu prevention and vaccination

December 24th, 2009 by admin

This season I was vaccinated against influenza. Will it protect against swine flu?

If you were vaccinated against influenza last winter, the effect of swine flu vaccination will remain for a long time, protecting you from certain known strains of influenza virus. However, the new, modified virus of swine influenza is quite atypical in nature.

How can I protect myself from swine influenza infection?

Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following steps:

  • Remember to wash your hands with soap, especially after coughing or sneezing. Also use to wash your hands on alcohol basis.
  • Avoid close contact with infected people.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.

Can I still eat pork?

Yes. You can not get swine flu, consuming pork, bacon and other pork products.

What additional preventive measures should I take?

Stay informed of new facts in your neighborhood. Your local health center may hold important information about the epidemic of swine flu in your area. For example, parents may wish to know what steps they should take if a school where their children are learning, will close due to influenza. Preparatory School St. Francis, New York was closed for several days after the analyses of eight students had indicated influenza virus. No need to panic, but the basic steps of caution did not prevent this occasion.

Were there the earlier outbreaks of swine flu?

Yes. In 1976 was recorded epidemic of swine flu among recruits in the town of Fort Dix, ea. New Jersey. The epidemic lasted one month, then vanished as inexplicably as arose. Virus infected 240 people, one person died.

Swine influenza, as recorded in the city of Fort Dix, a virus strain H1N1. The same strain caused fatal influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, taking the lives of tens of millions of people.

Concern about a new pandemic virus strain H1N1 in the winter of 1976 grew into an ambitious program to develop vaccines and implementation of the vaccination of all Americans against swine flu. The program to vaccinate the population was fraught with difficulties, one of which was a massive belief that the vaccine caused an unprecedented number of severe adverse reactions. After the 40 million people were vaccinated, the program was discontinued.

Subsequently, however, a new epidemic of swine influenza has broken out.

Is the epidemic of swine flu a serious threat to society?

The severity of the disease can vary depending on the unfolding of the epidemic, but throughout the world experts always closely monitor the spread and take apreparatory measures for the case of a pandemic.

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How to get rid of a headache

December 24th, 2009 by admin

From 40 to 90% of Earth population suffer from headaches. Most of these people sort out the problem in the same way – with the help of pills. However this way of treatment can lead to chronic head pain development. Meanwhile doctors assert that in 85 cases of 100 headache can be successfully cured. It is the matter of will – you can take a good dose of toxins or you can drink a pair of olive oil spoons and get rid of a headache. However it depends also on the origin of headache.

There are several types of headaches. The most prevailing are chronic headaches, coming with exceptional periodicity – migraines. Approximately 20% of women suffer from them. They are usually a result of vascular disorder. These ailments are divided into migraines with aura and without aura. When doctors say “aura” they mean that a headache goes together with additional neurological symptoms, such as vertigos, hallucinations, etc. Migraines are usually borne harder by people who consume much wine, chocolate, cheese, contraceptives, experience stresses and are often in the state of exhaustion.

Another type of headaches can be evoked by tight muscles in shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw. It is a tension headache, felt like you have a tight hoop twisted around your head. It can decrease the effectiveness of work by 30-60%. This disease is usually caused by stress, depressions, overworking, lack of motion, missing meals. Most patients can finally cope with such headaches after changing of their lifestyle.

The other causes of headaches should be also noted:

  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • poor sleep position;
  • sinusitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • cough;
  • temporal arteritis (in the eldest age group)

However most often headaches emerge after several hours of sitting in front of computer or standing work at conveyor, while head and neck muscles are overstrained by long psychoemotional or physical tension. Most of us immediately rush to take the pills. And this helps for a while. Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen are effective against the symptoms of tension headaches. Ergotamine with Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen may be temporarily helpful if you have a migraine. But as doctors say frequent pills intake can also become another cause of chronic headache.

get rid of headache

Considering the actuality of the problem, many scientists persistently keep searching for new medicine and methods to cope with headaches. Among the most simple one should note putting the cabbage leaf on a forehead, among more complex – using botulism toxins or, in other words, poisons. On the conference of American Headache Society several investigations were presented, showing that “Botox” injections (botuline toxin of A type), used for cosmetic purposes, save patients not only from wrinkles, but also from migraines.

German cosmetologists were the first to notice “side” effect of Botox. The treatment of migraine proved to be effective for 70-80% of patients. One course of such treatment removed splitting headaches for a period of 3 to 6 months. As scientists assert, the course can be repeated after this period in order to get the same result.

For those who are afraid of every innovation in medicine and don\\’ t have enough means for headache cure (one Botox injection, for instance, costs about 6 dollars) medics suggest natural remedies to eliminate the malaise. For example, scientists revealed that olive oil, which is used by Italians in cooking meals, is a great way to help aching head. The effect of the oil is comparable with anlagen pill. Researchers assert that one teaspoon of olive oil equals 10% of ibuprofen-based preparation, contained in painkillers.

Of course, the dose for headache removal can be solid, but if you continually eat food with olive oil, then it will serve as strong (and cheap at that) preventive remedy for pain relief. Though sometimes headache is a sign of more serious organism “failure”. It can be the forerunner of 50 serious diseases.

Doctors recommend that if you are older than 40, often experience headaches, the frequency of which is constantly increasing and it always emerge with physical activity, cough, sneezing, sexual activity, you should undergo an examination of competent specialist. And this will surely help to get rid of a headache. Headache can be cured in 85% of cases.

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