How to cure panic disorder

August 16th, 2010 by admin

What is a panic attack and how it differs from panic disorder?

Panic attack is an episode expressed discomfort or fear with desire panic attacks during which suddenly appear. That at least has four of the following symptoms:

  • Pronounced heartbeat.
  • Sweating.
  • Tremor.
  • The feeling of closeness or shortness of breath.
  • The feeling of suffocation.
  • Chest pain.
  • Nausea or other gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Dizziness.
  • Unpleasant bodily sensations.
  • Chills, or blood flow to the person.
  • A feeling of unreality or a feeling of detachment from oneself.
  • Fear of losing control or going mad.
  • Fear of death.

Mental disorders in which panic attacks may experience:

  • Various phobias (including social).
  • Depression.
  • Withdrawal symptoms of psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs).
  • Etc.

Panic disorder cure

Actually panic disorder is the appearance of repeated, unexplained mental attacks. People with panic disorder, at least a month to worry about the repetition of the attack or the possible consequences of such (eg, death, car accident, failure to perform their duties). Individuals suffering from panic disorder, often linked their attacks to certain situations (such as staying in a traffic jam or in a crowd) and can fill future panic attacks waiting to enter such a situation. They may begin to avoid those situations which, in their opinion, can trigger panic attacks. In many cases, panic disorder attack appear suddenly, without any provoking factor.

How to effectively treat panic disorder?

The greatest impact in the treatment of panic attacks gives the combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy.

Benzodiazepines with a rapid onset of action (such as alprazolam) are suitable for the rapid decline in the intensity of panic symptoms. Preparations with a slower onset of action and longer half-life (such as clonazepam) may be preferable for the prevention of panic attacks in the future i.e. especially when they are taken regularly, according to the established regime. A new generation of antidepressants like fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, and others are also seen very effective and have preferred to TCA because of better tolerability.

One only drug therapy used less and less. Found that the frequency of relapses after drug withdrawal exceeds 50%. Although the drugs clearly reduce the frequency of attacks and severity of symptoms, they are not particularly effective in reducing the likelihood of anxious foreboding or phobic avoidance. To treat such aspects of panic disorder is particularly suitable cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT is usually short-term psychotherapy, which includes exercises for relaxation with the study of disturbed thought processes. Patients are taught to modify these processes, which helps reduce the sense of foreboding. Then they are gradually exposed to situations involving the appearance of panic attacks, in order to pay their alarm response and reduce phobic avoidance. CBT helps people to successfully reduce the dose of drugs such as benzodiazepines, without immediate recurrence of symptoms, thus improving treatment outcome in general. If the patient has a relapse of symptoms occurs, then to limit the severity and duration of relapse are often suitable brief reminder of techniques CTC.

It is important to remember that, despite the information given here should take into account their general character. The choice of therapy, specific drug are best left to an experienced specialist in the field of mental health. It must be remembered that the treatment of panic disorder should be prolonged, not only to eliminate the panic attacks, but to prevent their recurrence, to stabilize the condition.

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How to cure anorexia

August 8th, 2010 by admin

Anorexia as a consequence of your family heritage?

That is a mental illness for which there is a pathological desire of weight loss, accompanied by a strong fear of obesity.

Anorexia cure

Typically, patients suffering from anorexia, seeking weight loss in two ways:

    ONE. Limitations which is weight loss through severe diets with reduced number of host meals every day and excessive exercise.
    TWO. Cleaning i.e. through various procedures: gastric lavage, enemas, artificially provoked vomiting after meals.

What are the main signs of anorexia?

The main symptoms of anorexia are not many:

  • Progressive weight loss.
  • Panic fear recover the weight which a patient had beforehand.
  • Denial of maintaining a minimum weight, no matter how low he was.
  • Constant feeling of fullness, particularly certain body parts.
  • Method of Power: eat standing grain foods into small pieces.
  • Sleep disturbance (patients sleep not more than 6 hours a day).
  • Feelings of guilt during fasting and eating.
  • Isolation from society, depression.

As a consequence of this disease we can see some violations at the physiological level, such as pale skin, feeling cold, menstrual disorders, arrhythmia, constant weakness and muscle spasms. As well as increased irritability, unreasonable anger, resentment on others.

How to treat anorexia?

Treatment of anorexia should begin as early as possible to prevent irreversible changes in the organism during its depletion. Refer to a psychiatrist that he had appointed an individual treatment.

A prerequisite in the treatment of anorexia nervosa is a psychological support in the form of individual and family therapy.

Do not hesitate and do not be afraid, because your health is the most important thing!

Mental illness in the family of yours which may be the reason for psychological disordes causing things like anorexia and schizophrenia

Mental illnesses such as anorexia or schizophrenia are a great shock and stress both for the individual and for his/her family. This is a time of crisis when, in addition to symptoms relations in the family worsen, because people do not know how to behave with ill relatives. All members of the family experience many negative feelings that may lead to frequent conflicts and mutual recriminations and accusations. This additional stress can increase the patient’s symptoms that exacerbate conflicts with her family. There is a vicious cycle of increasing stress on each family member, and a lot of time and effort spent trying to establish a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

In such situations, the best in medical practice have proven the so-called program for “Psycho cure”. In addition to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy programs for Psycho cure are most effective and widely used method of psychological care of mentally ill people throughout the world. Such programs are conducted classes for patients and their relatives, who informed about the disease and allow to establish peaceful relations in the family. These classes include workshops for families and patients, training for the establishment of conflict-free communication between the patient and family, the elements of family therapy to address specific problems in the family. As a result, the participation of patients and their relatives in Psycho cure classes reduced the number of exacerbations of mental illness, and reduces the severity of symptoms, reduced stress levels among all family members, increases the likelihood of learning or employment with the patient. Relatives of patients become more informed and confident in their abilities, learn to distinguish the symptoms of the features of the nature of the patients.

Psycho cure classes are an ideal complement to the main treatment (pharmacotherapy) and combine perfectly with the cognitive-behavioral therapy for patients. Working with family is recommended primarily for mental illnesses like psychosis, affective disorders (depression), Eating disorders (anorexia / bulimia). In the classroom can engage patients by their parents, brothers and sisters, spouses and children. Classes are held in separate families or in group (a group consisting of several families). And she and other forms of work have their advantages. In the group of relatives and patients are able to overcome a frightening sense of isolation and loneliness, when they feel they are struggling with the disease alone. In sessions with individual families can be more time given to solving specific problems within a given family.

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How to cure shizophrenia and psychosis

August 8th, 2010 by admin

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is seen in the modern medical theory as a multifaceted disease. That means it’s main feature is the violation of adequate perception of the world. Thoughts and actions of a human being are incomprehensible to others and in some cases really may be dangerous for the society. However, it should be remembered very often under schizophrenia is being “masked” other mental disorders. That means to make the correct diagnosis requires a detailed study of all manifestations of the disease and prolonged observation of the patient. For this purpose we have developed in-depth diagnostic programs, conducted a special psychological testing and consultation leading experts.

Shizophrenia cure

Treatment of schizophrenia

In any modern hospital all the conditions for effective care for severe mental disorders are offered in Europe and the USA. Thanks to individual work with each of our patients, the clinics achieved good results during the recent years in terms of treatment and rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients, as well as prevention of possible complications and exacerbations of the disease in later periods (long-term remission). At the same there are cases known when people overcame the decease by being for a long time outdoors for a long time far from the cities and civilization as well as in the religious monasteries and other places but it is not typical, in fact.

Nine alarming symptoms of schizophrenia

    1. Reducing the physical and intellectual activity.
    2. Closure and lonely.
    3. Changeable (most often negative) attitude towards the close people.
    4. Poverty of thought content and illogical reasoning with the cliffs of thought, unusual beliefs, a sense of impact on the thought.
    5. Disorders of perception of the real world.
    6. Reduced emotional background.
    7. Violation of attention and perception.
    8. Failure to distinguish between internal and external world.
    9. Scams perception (auditory, visual, olfactory, etc.)

More related information

Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by thought disorder and behavior, ill perception of the world, as well as emotional disorders.

What to do if your loved one is suffering from schizophrenia?

    1. Try as soon as possible to seek assistance from a specialist – psychiatrist. Timing of treatment should be chosen an essential one!
    2. Always follow the doctor’s orders and check the reception of medicines.
    3. No drugs and alcohol schizophrenic! They exacerbate the symptoms of the disease.
    4. Pay attention to any changes being. If possible, record and report them to consulting physicians.
    5. Do not seek to quickly change the social situation of the patient, his place of study, occupation, family situation.
    6. Not exert undue emotionality in the relationship with the patient.
    7. Not exhibit with respect to patient aggression.
    8. Try to alleviate feelings of loneliness.
    9. Try to understand the feelings and thoughts of the patient, show empathy, without causing a sense of danger and not imposing their assistance.
    10. Do not laugh at the fact that the said patient, do not humiliate and insult him.
    11. Do not argue with the patient and did not persuade him.
    12. Communicate easier. Say what you want to say clearly, calmly and confidently.
    13. Be frank in conversation.
    14. Uphold the patient’s sense of reality.
    15. Maintain and develop the social skills of the patient in his daily activities.

How to treat schizophrenia?

It is important to promptly and accurately identify the beginning of schizophrenia, to appoint an integrated and adequate treatment, to build a solid system of rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients, to teach him and family members proper behavior.

It is important to trust your doctor, working with him, as well as an active social work, taking into account the particular patient’s family and his social status.

To be effective treatment for schizophrenia was essential to select appropriate drugs available in the market, eliminating the symptoms of schizophrenia, and with a minimal amount of side effects and does not reduce the quality of life. PLEASE REMEMBER: the drugs should be consumed by a patient on a regular basis since in that only case they will provide the result expected!

The best treatment of schizophrenia should be started in hospital, it must include an accurate diagnosis, because the options are many manifestations of schizophrenia. It is desirable that the situation around the schizophrenic patient should be quiet rather than he / she stays alone in the house and the physician assisting the possession of modern methods of psychotherapy. It is unacceptable to provide the patient with schizophrenia itself eliminate those activities that has been interesting. The activity of the schizophrenic patient should be encouraged by qualified personnel who can handle not only medicine but also psychology. In some cases, it is important to strengthen the forces of the patient, picked up for a balanced diet, adequate exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy and therapeutic qualities. Around the schizophrenic patient should be not only skilled doctors, but also specially trained psychologists, social workers.

Many believe that schizophrenia is incurable. However, in reality there is a way out.

Sometimes shizophrenia is confused with psychosis, but those are different diseases.

What is psychosis?

Psychosis is seen in the modern medicine as a clear manifestation of mental illness, in which the activities of the patient does not match the surrounding reality. Psychoses are often accompanied by pronounced motor excitation, delirium, hallucinations and other symptoms.

How to treat and combat psychosis?

Worldwide, the most effective and reliable method of treatment is considered medical treatment of psychosis based on an individual approach to each patient taking into account age, gender, family history other diseases. One of the main challenges a Doctor faces is to establish a fruitful cooperation with the patient. Need to instill patient confidence in the possibility of recovery and to overcome his /her beliefs against the “harm” caused by psychotropic drugs. Between physician and patient should be based on mutual trust, guaranteed compliance with the principles of disclosure of information specialist and the anonymity of treatment. The patient, in turn, must not conceal from the doctor’s information such as the fact that drugs or alcohol as well as medication used in general medicine. It is important that taking medication was combined with rehabilitation programs and if appropriate mutual effords with family and pedagogical implications of psychotherapeutic work.

The cure process is a complex training programs for patients with mental disorders means of rational behavior, as in hospital and at home. Rehabilitation is mainly aimed at teaching social skills to interact with other people implementing the skills needed in everyday life, such as the treatment of their own finances, house cleaning, shopping, public transport etc. Also, often being applied for assistance to mentally illness and supportive psychotherapy. Psychotherapy helps to better relate especially to those people who are experiencing feelings of inferiority due to their illness and those who seek to deny the existence of the disease. An important element of rehabilitation is to participate in the groups of mutual support with others who understand what it means to be mentally ill person.

One of the most important factors influencing the prognosis of psychosis, is a timely start and intensity of active treatment in combination with social and rehabilitation activities.

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How to cure Alzheimer’s disease

August 3rd, 2010 by admin

Alzheimer’s disease is seen as one of the most serious diseases that occur in elderly and senile age. Alzheimer’s disease is more often characterized by slowly progressive deterioration of memory and other intellectual functions. The disease is being complex disorders in the brain, leading to progressive loss of nerve cells. Left untreated, the disease steadily progresses and leads to the destruction of all mental functions.

Alzheimers disease

Alzheimer’s disease develops gradually with the first manifestation including impaired memory and attention. New information is assimilated worse. A person becomes forgetful, distracted, current events in his experience is substituted by a revival of memories of the past. Typically, the early stages of the disease suffer orientation on time. In somer cases, the disease begins with changes in the elderly person. The patient becomes rude, selfish, apathetic, obliterated the previously inherent personality traits. Finally, the first manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease may be delusions or hallucinations, and prolonged depression.

In the early stage of Alzheimer’s patients rarely get to the doctor, especially if there are no mental disorders. Typically, the relatives of the patient considering memory impairment and changes in the nature as manifestations of aging. Meanwhile, treatment started at an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease is the most effective. Currently, there are methods of neuropsychological and instrumental examination, allowing the correct diagnosis in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

With further progression of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms of dementia become apparent. Patients do not know the date, month and year can be lost in a familiar place, do not always understand where you are, do not recognize friends and loved ones. Often patients can not tell its age, forget key facts of life since there is a “shift in the past: they see themselves as children or young people, argue that their long-dead parents alive. Disrupted skills: patients lose the ability to use household appliances, can not independently dress, wash. Perceived actions are replaced by stereotypical wandering and meaningless collecting things. In advanced stages of Alzheimer’s patients completely lose their ability to exist without help, speech and motor activity is limited to meaningless shouting and stereotyped movements within the bed.

Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Currently, the drugs whose effectiveness in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease confirmed by clinical trials. Usually the drug named Tacrine is prescribed. Use of these drugs can significantly delay the progression of the disease, prolong life of patients, partly to compensate for a violation of the mental functions, improve the processes of thinking and social functioning of patients and facilitate care. Efficacy of treatment greatly increases with administration of these drugs on the stage of initial or moderate dementia.

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How to cure stroke (part 2)

April 20th, 2010 by admin

The need for redistribution of blood between the different areas of the brain occurs both in physiological conditions, enhancing the functional activity, as in pathology caused by stenosis or obturation of vascular lumen. In such kind of situations it is significant and crucial role of collateral circulation (CC) to be taken into account. A rich network of anastomoses between arteries, carrying out blood and brain (between the front, middle and posterior cerebral arteries between the carotid and vertebro-basilar basin through the circle of Willis vessels) makes opportunities of blood redistribution between the different areas and compensation for reduced blood flow. Of course, the rate of incorporation of QA is essential for the effective implementation of cerebral blood flow. The high sensitivity of ganglion nerve cells of the brain to the factor hypoxia-ischemia causes a short time period is the restoration of blood flow through the rapid expansion of collateral vessels.

The delay of QA leads to the formation of focal ischemia with loss of brain tissue. Possibility of adequate QA depends primarily on the rate of occlusion of the lumen of the vessel. Thus, with a high rate of development of blockage of the vessel (eg, embolism), there is usually focal symptoms, on the contrary, the slow closing of the lumen of the artery and, therefore, well-developed collateral circulation, clinical symptoms may be transient in nature. Important to ensure the spacecraft are systemic blood pressure levels, the preservation of metabolic and myogenic mechanisms of self-regulation of cerebral circulation, especially individual cerebral vessels architectonics, level of obturation of the vascular lumen (main vessels of the head, the main arterial trunks or smaller vascular branches). Any damage to the individual branches of the proximal aortic arch (nameless and common carotid arteries, subclavian artery) may occur “steal syndrome” at the expense of cerebral blood flow, accompanied by cerebral symptoms.

Features vascular compensation are very important. Suffice it to recall that the literature describes the cases of complete closure (thrombosis) of one, two or even three of the great arteries with minor clinical symptoms, in which patients retain the ability to work. When incomplete compensation of regional cerebral blood flow arise initial clinical symptoms of cerebral circulation insufficiency.

The concept of cerebral vascular insufficiency is generally defined as a state of imbalance between demand and delivery of blood to the brain. It is based, most often, the restriction of blood flow in atherosclerotic narrowed brain vessels. This temporary decrease in systemic blood pressure can cause the development of ischemic brain region supplied by a vessel with a narrowed lumen. Atherosclerotic stenoses are beginning to show clinical symptoms only in their luminal narrowing of more than 50%. The potential inadequacy of blood supply of the brain due to cerebral vascular sclerosis usually manifests clinically with a further reduction in blood flow, in particular, with a decrease in blood pressure (myocardial infarction, the weakness of left ventricular function), incidence of vascular tone during shock or collapse, with a decrease or redistribution of the mass of blood (blood loss , diversion of blood to the periphery in the hot, radiation), diseases that lead to cerebral hypoxia (blood disease, pulmonary insufficiency, intoxication). All these reasons can lead to cerebral vascular nedostatochnocti and development of transient or persistent violations of the functions of the brain.

Epidemiological studies have shown the role and importance in the development of vascular pathology of the brain called risk factors, ie such features of the environment or the organism itself, which increases the risk of disease. The main risk factors include: age over 40 years of hereditary family history, obesity (often accompanied by hypercholesterolemia), lack of physical activity and psycho-emotional strain, smoking and regular alcohol consumption, nutritional factors (excessive consumption of animal fat, salt).

Indisputable risk factor is diabetes, boost the development of atherosclerosis. It is important that even a slight increase in blood sugar contributes to increasing the frequency of strokes.

A leading role has increased in AD. It is well known that patients with arterial hypertension strokes occur much more frequently than the “normotensive”. Systemic treatment and a persistent reduction in blood pressure significantly reduces the risk of cerebral lesions.

Some importance are persistent cardiac arrhythmia, particularly atrial fibrillation in the elderly, heart valve defects, chronic thrombophlebitis, blood disorders (erythremia, various leukemias). In the elderly are emerging as factors such as insolation, hot tubs, a tendency to constipation, as well as postoperative bleeding with a fall in blood pressure.

Modern classification of disorders of cerebral circulation divides them into two groups:

  • Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation during encephalopathy – discirculatory genesis of hypertensive encephalopathy and atherosclerotic discirculatory encephalopathy.
  • Acute disorders of cerebral circulation – a hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction), transient disorders of cerebral circulation.

Transient disorders of cerebral circulation – is acutely emerging NMC, showing focal or general cerebral symptoms and lasting no more than 24 hours (according to WHO classification). In the foreign literature they are often called transient ischemic attacks, as the basis of their usual lies transient ischemia in the basin of a cerebral vessel.

In contrast to the transient disorders of cerebral circulation strokes are characterized by persistent violations of brain functions, expressed in varying degrees. By the nature of the pathological process of stroke is divided into two large groups – hemorrhagic and ischemic.

Stroke treatment

In the WHO rates of stroke varies from 1,5 to 7,4 per 1000 population, growing with age. Highest-incidence between the ages of 50 and 70 years. Thus, at the age of 50-59 years, incidence of stroke is equal to 7.4, and those aged 60-69 years – 20 per 1000 population. Over the past four decades has changed the structure of vascular diseases of the brain due to the predominance of ischemic stroke over hemorrhagic.

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How to cure migraine

April 6th, 2010 by admin

Migraines: general symptoms, causes and methods of successful treatment

Descriptions in terms of headache is a typical of a kind of migraine attack being found even in the writings of the ancient Sumerian civilization which existed more than 3000 years BC. Certainly, though migraine is mentioned in the writings of Hippocrates and Paracelsus, originally the term “migraine” is nowadays seen as the one with the French “root” and in turn out coming from the Greek word “hemicrania” which means having “half head”.

Migraine as it is more or less seen as a severe headache trouble more often localized in one half of the head being sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting, heightened sensitivity to light and sound. In such cases the patient does not diagnosed by head trauma or stroke followed by brain tumors. The headache of migraine is not commonly associated with fluctuations in the way of blood pressure gaps or glaucoma attack, or even increased intracranial pressure. Migraine is seen as a type of vascular headache in general and that is the crucial point you have to remember first of all! The basis of it’s occurrence is the one which could not been expanded as “a piece of cake” i.e. the walls of blood vessels feeding the brain, which is why they are beginning to put pressure on surrounding nerve cells.

Migraine cure

By all means, migraine is perceived as the disease challenging more than 11% of the total population of our Planet which comprise a huge number in terms of figures overall reflecting more often women. There are two types of migraine: classic and common.

The classic course of the disease occurs in 10% of patients. Phase headache is preceded by a short period of precursors, called the aura. The manifestations of the aura are distinct. In some patients have visual disturbances i.e. “shroud, front sight” before our eyes, “bright bursts”. Other proportion of those interviewed may come with a violation of smell. Some patients complain of hearing loss as well as speech or motor coordination.

Migraine attack lasts from several hours to 3 days. The pain occurs in one half of the head and increases gradually. In the future, it could clearly be localized in the temple, forehead, eye, ear, and in some cases in the neck or shoulder. The pain can be so strong that it begins to be felt throughout the body. It is often accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, frequent urination, or fever. Headache amplified by loud noises or bright lights. After the attack, patients note a feeling of complete exhaustion of mental and physical strength.

Factors provoking the Migraine attack:

  • increased sensitivity towards certain types of food. Most often migraine attack is provoked by alcohol;
  • sudden weather changes as well as atmosphere pressure;
  • physical overstrain, insomnia;
  • when the lightening is too bright;
  • inhaling odors irritates the respiratory tract;
  • trauma;
  • women rise to an attack can cause hormonal changes in their body, associated with the menstrual cycle.

Any person suffering from severe or recurrent headaches should seek medical advice and undergo a full medical examination to rule out the possibility of such serious diseases as brain tumor, aneurysm, hematoma, and other migraine attacks lasted for many years. Their character and a diverse and different for different patients. Therefore, approaches to treatment must be strictly individual. We must always try to identify the triggers that can be eliminated. These include a chronic lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol or food rich in tyramine i.e. chocolate, cheese or fish.

Between bouts doctor can prescribe some medications for preventive treatment. This treatment is usually comprise about much less than 100% of expected effect of preventing migraine attacks but also helps to reduce the frequency of their occurrence and reduces the severity of headache at-developed attack. Be aware that during pregnancy to preventive treatment impossible.

If the attack has developed, it is recommended to be in the dark, cool room. On the forehead should put a cold compress. You do not need during an attack to drink coffee, strong tea or orange juice. In many cases, migraines can take an ordinary ice cream. Take heaping tablespoons of ice cream, and rotate it to the soft palate. Hold the cold, until the product has melted. These actions lead to a cooling of the hypothalamus, which, apparently, too, is drawn into the process, and contribute to a rapid cessation of even very severe pain.

Drug treatment episode must begin as early as possible, preferably with the onset of aura or first signs of pain. Currently, there are many drugs that facilitate or completely cropped, migraine attacks. But they can be used only on prescription, as well as medicine, well helps one patient may not only be ineffective in another, but also further strengthen the attack.

To receive analgesics should be treated very cautiously. Conventional analgesics are generally not help with migraines, as in this situation must be taken not vasodilator and vasoconstrictor agent. In addition, the constant use of painkillers reduces the sensitivity of the organism to them, increasing the frequency of pain attacks and increases the occurrence of side effects.

Good alternative with respect to drug treatment pertaining to the migraine is the one of physiotherapeutic procedures and massage or hirudotherapy. These methods have virtually no side effects and promote not only the withdrawal symptoms, and prevention of attacks.

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How to cure stroke (part 1)

April 5th, 2010 by admin

The appropriate and most common means of Stroke treatment

Stroke is the most serious brain damaging accident happening in humans life. In countries with developed economy such as USA and Western Europe the statistics reveals that by end of this century the leading causes of mortality in accordance with accounting figures in its overall structure comprise of about 14% of those being in the risk group. Brain stroke defines more than 30% of all deaths from cardiovascular disease. This is primarily due to the aging population, because disease are predominantly diseases of elderly and senile age.

Factors contributing to the development of vascular diseases of the heart and brain are the conditions of modern life especially connected with ecological situation and urbanization leading to automation, nerve strain in work processes and the lack of motor activity combined with the growth of diabetes mellitus and features of modern nutrition, increased alcohol consumption.

The growth rate of death from cardiovascular disease in the last decade was the highest for the middle age group. Thus, according to DA Markov (1986) amongst the group of patients with brain infarction 23.6% who were aged 41-50 years and 12,8% being younger than 40 years. Hence, the stroke affecting half of the patients has reached the age of 60 years i.e. affects people still full of energy and opportunities. Moreover, death rate was somewhat exceed in terms of the data regarding 40%. The majority of survivors become disabled and require long-term rehabilitation treatment, and often outside care.

Thus, the struggle with cerebrovascular diseases, their prevention and the treatment for occupational rehabilitation seem not so much in terms of a medical problem, many medical and social like significance for the state and its economy.

Stroke cure

Progress in addressing the problem of cerebrovascular pathology has emerged in recent years (after 2005), is associated primarily with the successes in uncovering the mechanisms of regulation and the dynamics of cerebral blood flow by introducing new methods of investigation Somewhat great range of importance has to be considered for the diagnosis of stroke is a method of computerized tomography (CT) studies of the brain. The results of these studies, on the one hand, revealed a major role extracranial lesions departments of major vessels of the head, set the value of collateral circulation in occlusion of cerebral vascular lesions, found the original “steal syndromes and their clinical expression, on the other hand, allowed us to formulate the position of the cerebral vascular insufficiency and propose new methods of pathogenetically based treatment, even surgery. As a result for that, it might be unable to return to the working process for patients in the recent past were considered hopeless.

At present, we are able actually with active working lifestyle expand the diagnosis and treatment of early forms of cerebral vascular pathology, which will significantly reduce the number of acute disorders of cerebral circulation (i.e. stroke) and slow clinical evolution of chronic disorders of cerebral hemodynamics (as so-called dyscirculatory encephalopathy).

The peculiarity of the cerebral circulation is the relative stability of distinct structures of the cerebral vessels and perfection of regulation of cerebral blood flow. The intensity of metabolic processes in the brain tissue is such that if the mass of the brain is approximately 1400 g, which represents about 2% of body weight, it consumes approximately 20% of the total oxygen and 17% of the total glucose entering the body. If coronary blood flow during physical exercise increases 10-15 times or more, the cerebral blood flow during intense mental activity in general does not increase, just redistributed from less active areas of the brain in functional terms, in an area with intense activity. Thus, the pattern of cerebral blood flow is moving with a continuously changing mosaic of local blood flow in different areas with a relative constancy of the total blood flow to the brain. Of course, the decrease in total blood flow to the brain (myocardial infarction or falling systemic blood pressure) leads to the disruption of the regulation of cerebral hemodynamics and impairment of cerebral circulation (NMC). However, most often in the pathogenesis of NMC are factors affecting the change in intracerebral hemodynamics. The redistribution of blood in the vascular system of the brain in favor of its active regions, of course, with less damage to the active sites can cause temporary ischemia of the latter, ie, underlie transient NMC. The circulation by a number of complex and intracerebral vnetserebralnyh regulatory mechanisms. The former include myogenic, neurogenic, neurohumoral and metabolic mechanisms.

The second group of regulatory mechanisms associated with the activity of the carotid sinus node depressor nerve, the contractile function of the heart. Violations of these regulatory mechanisms occur when changing the level of systolic blood pressure below 80 or above 180 mmHg. The minimum critical level considered to be 60 mm Hg, below this value occur is a violation of self-regulation of cerebral blood flow, slowing it to individual vessels with subsequent ischemization brain tissue and insufficient collateral circulation – ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction). In some cases, after the restoration of blood flow in the ischemic zone pH value remains low because of metabolic acidosis due to accumulation of lactic acid. This leads to further vasodilatation and cerebral blood flow remains high, although the functional requirements in this anymore. Naturally, the utilization of oxygen is not fully, so the flowing blood is red. This phenomenon is referred to as syndrome of abnormal perfusion, due to a violation of the metabolic mechanism of self-regulation of cerebral blood flow.

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How to get rid of a headache

December 24th, 2009 by admin

From 40 to 90% of Earth population suffer from headaches. Most of these people sort out the problem in the same way – with the help of pills. However this way of treatment can lead to chronic head pain development. Meanwhile doctors assert that in 85 cases of 100 headache can be successfully cured. It is the matter of will – you can take a good dose of toxins or you can drink a pair of olive oil spoons and get rid of a headache. However it depends also on the origin of headache.

There are several types of headaches. The most prevailing are chronic headaches, coming with exceptional periodicity – migraines. Approximately 20% of women suffer from them. They are usually a result of vascular disorder. These ailments are divided into migraines with aura and without aura. When doctors say “aura” they mean that a headache goes together with additional neurological symptoms, such as vertigos, hallucinations, etc. Migraines are usually borne harder by people who consume much wine, chocolate, cheese, contraceptives, experience stresses and are often in the state of exhaustion.

Another type of headaches can be evoked by tight muscles in shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw. It is a tension headache, felt like you have a tight hoop twisted around your head. It can decrease the effectiveness of work by 30-60%. This disease is usually caused by stress, depressions, overworking, lack of motion, missing meals. Most patients can finally cope with such headaches after changing of their lifestyle.

The other causes of headaches should be also noted:

  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • poor sleep position;
  • sinusitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • cough;
  • temporal arteritis (in the eldest age group)

However most often headaches emerge after several hours of sitting in front of computer or standing work at conveyor, while head and neck muscles are overstrained by long psychoemotional or physical tension. Most of us immediately rush to take the pills. And this helps for a while. Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen are effective against the symptoms of tension headaches. Ergotamine with Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen may be temporarily helpful if you have a migraine. But as doctors say frequent pills intake can also become another cause of chronic headache.

get rid of headache

Considering the actuality of the problem, many scientists persistently keep searching for new medicine and methods to cope with headaches. Among the most simple one should note putting the cabbage leaf on a forehead, among more complex – using botulism toxins or, in other words, poisons. On the conference of American Headache Society several investigations were presented, showing that “Botox” injections (botuline toxin of A type), used for cosmetic purposes, save patients not only from wrinkles, but also from migraines.

German cosmetologists were the first to notice “side” effect of Botox. The treatment of migraine proved to be effective for 70-80% of patients. One course of such treatment removed splitting headaches for a period of 3 to 6 months. As scientists assert, the course can be repeated after this period in order to get the same result.

For those who are afraid of every innovation in medicine and don\\’ t have enough means for headache cure (one Botox injection, for instance, costs about 6 dollars) medics suggest natural remedies to eliminate the malaise. For example, scientists revealed that olive oil, which is used by Italians in cooking meals, is a great way to help aching head. The effect of the oil is comparable with anlagen pill. Researchers assert that one teaspoon of olive oil equals 10% of ibuprofen-based preparation, contained in painkillers.

Of course, the dose for headache removal can be solid, but if you continually eat food with olive oil, then it will serve as strong (and cheap at that) preventive remedy for pain relief. Though sometimes headache is a sign of more serious organism “failure”. It can be the forerunner of 50 serious diseases.

Doctors recommend that if you are older than 40, often experience headaches, the frequency of which is constantly increasing and it always emerge with physical activity, cough, sneezing, sexual activity, you should undergo an examination of competent specialist. And this will surely help to get rid of a headache. Headache can be cured in 85% of cases.

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