How to cure glomerulonephritis

September 21st, 2010 by admin

Glomerulonephritis is a kind of allergic infectious disease of the kidneys, mainly affecting glomerular apparatus. We are to distinguish primary glomerulonephritis that develops after 1 – 3 weeks after exposure to communicable and so called “non-infectious factors” being secondary glomerulonephritis occurred due to various diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, etc. Acute glomerulonephritis is characterized by hypertension, edema and urinary syndrome which is the most common symptom and appears suddenly within 1 – 3 weeks after exposure to various factors.

Glomerulonephritis cure

In the development of glomerulonephritis the leading role belongs to the streptococcus infection. Nephrotoxic properties has a beta-hemolytic streptococcus of group A with its types 12, 4, 25, 49. However, for the realization of the pathogenic effect of streptococcus in the body requires certain conditions, as indicated by statistics upon the development of glomerulonephritis in a few cases so called nephrotoxic types of streptococcus. When strep glomerulonephritis is not found in the kidney tissue its etiologic role is to antigenic stimulation with subsequent formation of antibodies and circulating immune complexes that damage the kidney tissue. The emergence of acute glomerulonephritis may be influenced by viral infection, as evidenced by the discovery of its symptoms in the glomeruli of the kidneys in so called nefrobiopsia. Acute glomerulonephritis may develop after vaccination, when vaccine and serum act as antigens or destructive factors of immune responses in previously sensitized organism. Obviously, prior sensitization is important in the development of glomerulonephritis after being bitten by bees, snakes, etc. In a certain percentage of cases there is a direct relationship between the development of glomerulonephritis with cooling of the body under the action of which, obviously, change the properties of the protein with the acquisition of its antigenic characteristics (e.g. cryoglobulins) or activated latently current streptococcal infection.

Based on clinical and experimental research we distinguish 2 major immune mechanisms responsible for the development of acute glomerulonephritis which are:

  • primary autoimmune with antibodies to the basal membrane of glomerular capillaries
  • immunocomplex i.e. in primary autoimmune genesis of glomerulonephritis develop antibodies to glomerular basement membrane as a result of the acquisition of its antigenic characteristics with the subsequent formation of immune complexes in glomeruli and their damage.

In such a mechanism of the disease among people 10 – 15% of cases, the reaction of antigen are antibody binding which occurs with complement and with the participation of the blood coagulation system, histamine, serotonin and other factors. When the mechanism of immune deposit glomerulonephritis observed in 85 – 90% of cases, kidney damage occurs under the action of circulating soluble antigen with antibody complexes that are deposited in the glomerular capillaries. This antigen may be autologous or more with respect to exogenous origin (streptococcal, etc.).

Immune origin of streptococcal have glomerulonephritis, nephritis associated with serum sickness, caused by malaria and viral infection. In the transition of acute glomerulonephritis in a chronic form of autoimmune mechanisms to align. Clinical manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis usually appear within 7 – 21 days after infection. In other words after a certain latent period characterized by the formation and deposition of immune complexes in glomeruli. Most patients comprising 85 – 95% of cases experience the dynamics of clinical signs of acute glomerulonephritis characterized by cyclical and fit into 3 main periods:

  • detailed clinical manifestations – the initial period;
  • regression of symptoms;
  • complete clinical and laboratory remission, while maintaining a more than 5 years can speak about healing the patient.

With non-cyclical or unfavorable course of acute glomerulonephritis may become chronic and fatal diseases of various complications that often occur in the first period.

Glomerulonephritis treatment

Radical treatment is impossible, as the process is autoimmune out of intensification, in most cases a nephroprotection is prescribed. Other preventive measures include: long bed rest, avoiding physical load and exposures to cold, working seated in dry warm room, diet, limit in salt to 2-3 grams per day, in protein, healthy food.

In severe cases glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone, hydrocortisone), cytostatic agents (mercaptopurine, azatioprine, cyclophosphan), curantyl are taken. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment in dry hot climate is recommended.

In case of intensification a hospitalization is needed. Any worsening of urine test should be considered as intensification. The treatment is the same as for accute glomerulonephritis. However the treatment becomes much more difficult for patients with gastric ulcer, pancreatic diabetes, renal insufficiency, high hypertension or within first 15 weeks of pregnancy due to contra-indications.

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How to cure women’s diseases

August 16th, 2010 by admin


Thrush is seen in modern medicine as a decease cured by vernacular vaginal candidiasis, because of isolation and plaque on the mucous membranes reminiscent of certain dairy products.

The causative of thrush is in many cases Candida i.e. the type of fungus which is normally present in the body. Candida is present in the skin and mucous membranes (mouth and intestines) of most healthy people. Under certain conditions this type of fungus grows very rapidly, causing thrush. The most common thrush occurs when decline of general and local immunity. If treatment is not started selling milk in a timely manner, then it might be delayed very long time.

Oral-genital contact contribute to infection because many people are the ones who carry of Candida in e oral cavity. In chronic vaginal thrush cases it may occur like experience disorders of immunity, predominantly having local spread. In predisposed to thrush women can be a special form of allergy – hypersensitivity to Candida, which explains the frequent exacerbation. Without survey to talk about lowered immunity can not.
The acute form of thrush which is called candidiasis if left untreated can lead to chronic cases. For the chronic form is characterized by multiple relapses, the causes in most cases is a secondary infection. Typically such patients are identified gastro-intestinal tract i.e. dysbacteriosis and various gynecological diseases which reduce local immunity. Treat chronic yeast is much more difficult and running form can lead to serious complications like inflammation of the pelvic organs, spike, infertility, intrauterine infection of the fetus.

The transmission cases of thrush from mother to infant occurs in 70% of cases which is a relatively high figure compared to other deceses. It is equally common in both cases i.e. parous independently or caesarean section.

Symptoms of thrush in women:

  • Burning and itching of the external genitalia;
  • White cheesy vaginal discharge;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Pain when urinating.

These symptoms may appear in aggregate and individually, but usually there are only a few of them. The nature of precipitates with thrush may be slightly different, but often they are thick, cheesy, white. A woman feels strongly expressed itching in the vagina, which is particularly exacerbated when wearing overlying synthetic underwear. Furthermore, there is mucosal edema of the labia and spread of the inflammatory process in the region of the anus. In any case, if you notice in yourself any unusual for you to isolation and feeling better than refer to gynecologist for detailed advice on the treatment of thrush.

Symptoms of thrush in men:

  • Burning and itching of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • Redness of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • White patches on the glans penis;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Pain when urinating.

Treating thrush or effective treatment

There are many ways of treatment and remedies for thrush. Some of them are used topically (cream, vaginal tablet or suppository e tc.), others are supposed to be consumed inside (tablets or capsules for oral administration). For the right recommendations for appropriate treatment of thrush it is better to contact your doctor. Many of the doctors prescribe different drugs and supplements, but the effects of most of these treatments for thrush has not been proven yet. For example, the use of medications with bacteria as well as tampons has no scientific basis. Drugs that stimulate the immune system, in most cases is also not feasible without a special survey. And it is not necessary to treat thrush from her husband if he is healthy. As for thrush for men topical treatment is typically used. Preparations in the form of a cream applied to the penis twice a day during the week. Usually this measure is sufficient for the treatment of male thrush, as male body is less prone to fungus Candida. However, in cases where the thrush develops long-standing and access to a doctor happened rather late, the patient prescribed antifungal drugs for oral administration.

Remember: along with the treatment of thrush we should seek and remove the cause of immunodeficiency, strengthen our own microflora. Without this thrush will appear again and again.

Enuresis – inconvenience or a severe decease?

Enuresis is more known as bed-wetting occurs in preschool and school age usually amongst boys. Distinguish the functional form of enuresis due to the influence of psychogenic factors, defects of education, past infectious diseases and emerging reflex in diseases of the genitourinary system, and organic i.e. the change of spinal cord defects in development.

Night involuntary urination which is noticible during sleep is regarded as the result of lack or insufficiency of conditioned reflex connections, carrying in his sleep control act of urination. Some children is the involuntary loss of urine during daytime sleep, sometimes there is quickening impulses to urinate.

Reveals the vegetative symptoms:

  • Amedlennoe heartbeat.
  • Cyanosis of the extremities.
  • Hypothermia.

There have neurotic disorders:

  • Irascibility.
  • Subtlety.
  • Suppression of shyness.

In many cases amongst schoolboys one can see school performance being often reduced. When the organic form to detect changes in muscle tone, tendon reflexes, violation sensitivity.

Treatment of enuresis at young age

  • Children with enuresis over 6-10 years require a urological examination.
  • Adequate treatment is determined according to the results of medical surveys!
    • For younger children recommended the following:

      • Termination of fluid intake 2 hours before sleep.
      • Planting of the child to the toilet at night (“forced” urination).
      • Limitation of irritating and stimulating psyche of external influences (game consoles, TV, outdoor games, etc.).
      • Restricting the use of diapers (Pampers remove irritant and retard the development of a conditioned reflex, the child feels no discomfort after urination).
      • Herbal medicine (the use of sedative herbs: peppermint, valerian, Leonurus, etc.).
      • Restorative physical effects (contrast showers in the morning, etc.).
      • Coniferous bath.


      Vaginitis also known as coleitis is in fact inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina being caused by various bacteria and protozoa. A sense of burning in the genital area. By possessing factors include hypovarianism, breach of the rules of personal hygiene.

      There are known the following types of Vaginitis i.e. acute, subacute and chronic vaginitis. In acute inflammation of the complaint to a feeling of heaviness in the vagina, burning and itching around the external genitalia, abundant serous-purulent leucorrhoea.

      If you could discover unpleasant separation please do not be afraid of something terrible since it can be a normal vagina. Just refer to the gynecologist to be examined. The disease more often begins with long thick whitish discharge. It may be watery or purulent. During urination, there is often itching and burning. A woman constantly feels the burden and discomfort in the genital area with sexual intercourse becoming painful. Despite all the discomfort occurred vaginitis does not bring the usual strong unpleasant female for the body. However, consulting your doctor should definitely because the symptoms are similar to many serious diseases leke candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. These diseases have already entail serious consequences.

      Vaginitis is caused by microorganisms, which always live in the vagina, but not much. In healthy women is dominated by lactic acid bacteria. But circumstances can arise so that pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) begin to multiply vigorously. Their reproduction is likely to worsen during pregnancy. Give an analysis of a pregnancy. Pregnant women should be required to treat vaginitis, as at birth the child may become infected. Vaginitis increases the risk of ruptures of the cervix during childbirth.

      Treatment of vaginitis

      Treatment of vaginitis consists of local and general, taking into account types of microbes, causing inflammation. It is an important factor in recovery is complete cessation of sexual activity for the whole period of treatment. Need to conduct a survey and, if necessary – treatment of sexual partner.
      When thick purulent or mucous discharge vaginal douching spend antiseptic solutions. Upon the termination of purulent discharge vaginal douching carried out with the cementing (decoction of oak bark, for example). At the same time applying restorative treatment.

      Antibiotics were prescribed after determining the sensitivity to them of the agent. They are used topically in the form of ointments.

      In case of insufficient treatment efficacy, propensity to relapse or during menopause and in marked hypovarianism recommended local application of estrogenic hormones.

      Particular attention is paid to treatment of vaginitis in pregnant women. On the one hand, they have extremely important to fully remove the inflammatory process, on the other hand – Pregnancy imposes restrictions on the spectrum, dosage and how to use drugs. Proper treatment of vaginitis and the subsequent prevention of recurrence provide a good prognosis in most cases.

      Womens diseases cure

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How to cure urolithiasis and nephritis (part 3)

April 9th, 2010 by admin

Diet requirements for urolithiasis and nephritis

Diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of stone diseases caused by nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis or nefrourolitiaza. The right selection of appropriate diet pertaining to a particular patient should be made by a doctor depending on what is the kind of composition of stones nature and what resulted in the specific case of urolithiasis we are facing. Obviously, any diet as it is puts restricts or eliminates a patient’s food intake to a certain extend as well as growth, and triggers the formation of new deposits.

In terms of diet therapy if we are considering all kinds of stones formed in the kidneys we should take into account the possibility of dividing them into two major groups which are the alkaline one presented by phosphates and carbonates and acid ones which are represented by urate and oxalate.

When phosphate stones occur it immediately is being reflected in urine so that it is alkaline and you must identify it easily. Herewith, it is highly recommended to limit in the diet consumption of fruit and vegetables and eliminate dairy products which alkalify urine and at the same time increase the consumption of meat and fish, and flour products and vegetable oils which are acidify urine. Having this type of stones it is also recommended to consume less quantities of potable water on a lesser scale than if let’s say with oxalate and urate kind of stones.

In case you got carbonate stones with the symptoms when the urine becomes somewhat alkaline in your diet you have to limit calcium-rich kind of food such as: milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese. You\\’ d better prefer oatmeal and flour dishes or boiled meat and fish, eggs and butter which is in total called as a “meat” table amongst medical guys since these kind of products increase the acidity of urine.

When you suffer from typical urate stones it is strongly recommended to limit the consumption of products which contribute a lot towards the formation of uric acid in the body i.e. consume stuff like like liver, kidney, meat broth which are really the ones doing no harm and influencing the overall recovery process. It is also recommended to limit eat a lot of products like fish and vegetable fats which are perceived as the ones acidified urine. Often such patients are recommended to drink freshly made lemon juice which contains a lot of citrates including magurlit or blemaren, etc. When stone disease is severe and progressing please reject grapefruit juice as a drink.

Nephrolithiasis treatment

When having oxalate stones it is recommended to limit through your diet the consumption of foods which is more or less rich in terms of oxalic acid such as spinach, sorrel or potatoes and lettuce as well as oranges and milk. Often, such kind of patients are the ones recommended to take at least 2 grams of magnesium carbonate on a daily basis. That is due to the fact magnesium has the ability to bind the gut salt of oxalic acid.

For all types of patients with stone disease the following general recommendations are to be considered:

  • You have to increase the volume of any liquid stuff being accepted daily with the proportions of at least 2-2,5 litters per day and not more. In summer period you should drink enough in order not to feel thirsty.
  • Remember to take diuretic infusions or decoctions of various herbs on a regular basis.
  • Avoid the use of excessive amounts of food (in other words – not to overeat!). Please limit yourself with the consumption of fatty food and table salt. The ability to put your efforts towards reducing weight by reducing calorie consumption of products reduces the risk of disease.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption or at least reduce the quantity significantly.
  • Change the way of life i.e. do not spend too much time at the computer or near the TV and try to increase your physical activity i.e. going in for sports. This is especially true of people whose profession is associated with low physical activity. However, please avoid too much excursuses to be done during the initial period of your sport activity.
  • Avoid emotional stress by trying to put up with your friends and relatives.
  • When even small unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region immediately contact a urologist.

Prevention of urolithiasis as a case

Proper nutritional habits can be the key points leading to good health for many years. If you eat less fatty and fried as well as sharp and salty stuff and always try not to overeat food you are getting a good chance for a healthy life to be continued. Drinking two liters of clean pure water per day should be perceived as your rule. It is also important to prevent hypothermia waist.

If there were a slight discomfort in the lumbar region, do not hesitate to appeal to the urologist!

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How to cure urolithiasis and nephritis (part 2)

April 9th, 2010 by admin

Nephritis is a strange kind of illness since a person can live the whole life having in his/her kidney stones and did not know about it at all. But, on the other hand such case are more likely can be seen as an exception since once the stone began the movement on ureter the stones with even small size of 3-4 mm can cause a crusial ans very severe renal colic so that non of people could stand it. The symptoms of urolithiasis depend on the size and type of stone as well as its location in the urogenital tract and the nature or origin of the violations which it is able to cause in the organs of the urogenital system.

Nephrolithiasis treatment

Modern diagnosis of urolithiasis

The substantial and correctly made diagnosing for urolithiasis is possible only on the doctor-urologist since it requires special equipment which is too costly and not every patient can afford to have it at home. The treatment procedure and methods relevant to the current situation are appointed by a doctor on the basis of interviews with the patient as well as the data of urological examination and in some cases comprise of:

  • first the urinalysis reveals a small admixture of blood in the urine as well as microbial infection with the nature of salt impurities;
  • complete blood analysis reveals inflammation if they are taking place in the body;
  • blood chemistry analysis;
  • ultrasound procedure to examine the kidneys is one of the main methods of identifying the stones i.e. to evaluate the degree of anatomical changes caused by the presence or movement of the stone. The only drawback of such method is that ureteral stones are not visible on ultrasonography because of its deep-lying in the retroperitoneal space;
  • excretory urography being as a vein contrast agent is introduced and a series of X-rays. Quick snapshot of the urinary system is done to determine presence of stones, their size and shape. However, there are some kind of stones thet pass through X-rays invisibly and therefore they are not visible in the photographs;
  • radioisotope procedure which has a medical term of “nefrostsintigrafiya” meaning in contrast to the vein is entered a special device for scanning the kidneys. That is a modern and very informative study enabling to identify renal dysfunction precisely.

How to treat nephrolithiasis

Well, the first place in terms of treatment means to be taken for kidney stones is necessary to stop an attack of renal colic. To be following by such stages of treatment as removal of stone, post treatment and prevention procedures of recurrence of stones in future.

Currently, the ways of treatment of urolithiasis are two which are the conservative and surgical methods of treatment.

The conservative method of treatment is a kind of treatment with drugs and strong diet. Such approach can be rather effective if the size of kidney stones or sand is small. Modern medicine uses drugs which reinforce the overall procedure of dissolving stones. But one has to remember that the use of these drugs is possible only under the supervision of the urologist. In cases of an inflammatory process which may occur also you have to carry out antibiotic therapy.

Surgical or operative treatment is the second kind when the treatment is practically leading through the operation which removed large stones or sand inside the patient. Sometimes in clinics they use crushing stones electromagnetic waves i.e. so called extracorporeal lithotripsy.

Remotely-wave lithotripsy is a powerful means which has the impact for ultrasonic flow on stones or sand in the kidneys. This method is the most preferable, as is most easily tolerated by patients. Unfortunately, to crush stones in all cases is not always possible since there is a danger of them getting stuck in urethras and cause more pain.

In the absence of treatment of urolithiasis we have a risk to obtain pyelonephritis which occur in acute or chronic form – inflammatory disease of the kidneys. If you ignore to visit the urologist at this stage the process could develop into a purulent fusion of the kidneys. In this case, the kidney can be removed.

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How to cure urolithiasis and nephritis (part 1)

April 7th, 2010 by admin

Today it became obvious and clear that the curing factors we have to take into account are not only connected with proper and methodical application of natural medicines which only strengthen and rejuvenate the body, but also effectively treated methods and folk remedies helping to overcome even the most severe diseases.

The Urolithiasis of kidneys which are also known as nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis, according to traditional medicine are more often described as a disease associated with the formation of kidney stones and / or other organs of the entire urinary system. The Urolithiasis is a kind of disease which affects all population groups from all ages i.e. from infants to the elderly. However, the type of urinary stone usually depends upon the age of the patient and it may differ significantly. Hence, among older people in terms of age we easily notice predominate uric acid kind of stones. At the same time a kind of Protein stones are formed much less frequently amongst such group of people. If we consider a middle aged group it should be noted that more than 60% of stones happening are a mixed composition. The stones can be formed inside the kidneys, in ureter or bladder having a size of 15 cm. and weigh up to several kilograms. Small stones are more often called as sand in the kidneys.

The causes of urolithiasis

Well, the main reason for the formation of kidney stones is usually a metabolic disease occurring and leading to particularly changes in water-salt and chemical composition of blood. However urolithiasis will not develop without the presence of predisposing factors such as:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract i.e. gastritis or colitis, or in some cases peptic ulcer disease, etc. as well as urogenital system like pyelonephriti or prostatitis which is also known as prostate adenoma;
  • violations with respect to functions of the parathyroid glands;
  • bone diseases like osteomyelitis and osteoporosis or injuries;
  • prolonged dehydration occurring as a result of poisoning or infectious disease;
  • due to lack of vitamins in the body, especially concerning the group D;
  • constant consumption in huge quantities the products that increase the acidity of urine like spicy, sour, salty ones;
  • use of hard water with high salt content;
  • the geographical and ecological factors (People living in hot climates have the likelihood of urolithiasis to progress more often.);
  • permanent lack of ultraviolet rays.

Where do the stones form?

Stones can form in any department of your urinary system. In fact, in most cases stones are formed in the kidneys and ureters and bladder.

Urolithiasis cure

Symptoms of nephrolithiasis

Normally, nephrolithiasis does not remain unnoticed by patients due to it’s effects towards their organisms. However, in some cases, the disease can be secretive, and found during the study of the organism to the suspicion of other diseases.

  • Pain in the lower back.
  • You experience dull and exhausting pain on one side like a kind of duplex which increases during exercise or simply a change in body position. This is perceived as the one of the most typical symptoms of the presence of stones in the organs of the urinary system. When a kidney stone enters the ureter it is followed by the pain which is felt in the lower abdomen or groin and genitals. After a severe attack of pain caused by stones it may be followed by unpleasant feeling along with the urine.

  • Kidney colic.
  • The symptom is in the form of acute pain in the lumbar region. The elements of such colic can last several days usually stopping when the stone moves or goes out of the ureter.

  • Pain when urinating or frequent urination.
  • Such kind of pain is an indication that the stones are being at present in the bladder or ureter channel. During urination urine stream may be interrupted, although the patient feels that the bladder is not empty. This is a so-called syndrome of “lay” where urination continues if you change the position of the body.

  • Blood in the urine.
  • Blood in the urine may occur after severe pain or after physical exertion.

  • Turbidity urine.
  • (that is straight forward)

  • Increased body temperature to 38-40 degrees.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Edema over the body.

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    How to treat nephritis

    April 5th, 2010 by admin

    Nephritis is known as an inflammatory disease of the human’s kidneys, usually having bilateral origin, with the defeat of the renal glomeruli inside tubules and calyces, and pelvis.

    By nature, depending on the cause and nature of the disease, the localization of the inflammatory process is to distinguish the following types being somewhat common amongst Doc. i.e. glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, interstitial, hereditary and radiation nephritis.

    Glomerulonephritis is a kind of an inflammatory disease of sort of autoimmune origin obtained predominantly affecting in terms of renal glomerulus to a lesser extent tubules. Patients have to experience needle biopsy finds on defeat of up to 80-100% of the glomeruli to increase in size, narrowing of their lumen, and others, while their minimum damage can be detected only by electron microscopy.

    Interstitial nephritis is to illuminate as inflammation of the kidneys, which is the defeat of the interstitial tissue and renal tubules and disruption of the functioning of the kidneys. The above mentioned disease is being caused by infections like purulent character virus rubella by chicken pox etc., antigens banal bacterial flora, vaccination, toxic drugs. Sometimes it develops after prolonged usage of antibiotics.
    The clinically proved case of acute forms of the disease appears rapidly in terms of patient complains for pain in the abdomen and lower back being upset within his/her chair. Perhaps, the raise of the temperature to 39-40 C °is the point of appearance towards skin rash. Blood test reveals leukocytosis urine is haematuria. The chronic form is characterized by slowly progressive tubular disorders, the concentration of kidney function and loss in the urine of a number of useful body substances. In the urinary sediment show a lot of white blood cells, there may be blood.

    Nephritis diagnostics

    The emergence of hereditary forms of kidney disease has to be genetically predetermined as so often diagnosed in several family members. It used to be most often seen in the childhood. In addition to a typical symptom of kidney disease is likely crop up in patient’s with hearing loss may occur, improper development of the iris, lens, a high degree of myopia, etc. Treatment includes restorative activities, addressing the factors that exacerbate the disease.

    In radiation nephritis kidney damage occurs as a result of external or internal radiation exposure. For this form of disease characterized by hypertension, anemia, microhematuria, edema, enlarged kidneys, swelling, there is renal tubular damage or atrophy. Treatment is directed at reducing blood pressure, improved renal blood flow, stimulation of restorative processes.

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    How to cure thrush (part 2)

    March 30th, 2010 by admin

    Thrush is a mycotic lesion (candida, yeast infection) of mucous membranes of vagina or oral cavity. It often develops after antibiotics intake, especially uncontrolled one. At the same time it can be easily transmitted sexually.

    Thrush is usually caused by Candida – type of fungus, which is normally present in human body. Candida exists on a skin and mucous membranes (in mouth and bowels) of most healthy people. In certain conditions this fungus grows very fast and its growth leads to thrush. As a rule yeast infection appears as a result of general and local immunity reduction. If one has not started treatment at the right time, he risks to drag the cure process out for a very long period.

    Thrush is not referred to venereal diseases and is considered together with them due to similar clinical presentation.

    Factors, leading to Candida growth

    • antibiotics intake;
    • syringing;
    • wearing tight underwear (especially synthetic one)
    • pregnancy;
    • pancreatic diabetes;
    • HIV infection.

    Thrush symptoms of men:

    • itch, painfulness and balanus reddening
    • edema of balanus and prepuce
    • white clotted incrustation on balanus
    • pain during coitus

    Thrush symptoms of women:

    • itch, painfulness and pudendum reddening;
    • itch and painfulness of vagina;
    • white clotted vaginal discharge;
    • painful urination;

    Is thrush dangerous?

    There is no big health threat from this disease. Though it gives much trouble to the patient and impedes normal sexual life. Besides thrush can be an indication of serious general diseases (e.g.: pancreatic diabetes and HIV infection).

    Once a patient appeals to doctor for medical help and get instructions on how to treat candida, he as the need arises usually follows them again and again. Such line of action will help in thrush cure one, two, three times, but sooner or later the magic wand will get broken. As the root of troubles is in immunity weakening, and thrush is just its external manifestation. That is why together with thrush treatment it is necessary to look for and to eliminate the reason of immunodeficiency, to strengthen own microflora. Without such measures thrush will crop up again and again. In addition thrush symptoms, discharge, itch and burning can turn out to be not as harmless as it seems. The same symptoms are typical for gonorrhea, chlamydiosis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, and other infections. And for their cure we need entirely different remedies.

    Thrush diagnostics

    candida fungi

    Diagnostics is based on clinical presentation and results, light microscopy. Detection of fungi of Candida species in nutrient medium by direct immunofluorescence method (DIM) and DNA diagnostics method (PCR) does not make diagnostic sense, as the mentioned methods can detect even single microorganisms and thrush is conditioned by large number of fungi of Candida species. As you already know, in quantity these fungi exist on skin and mucous membranes of most healthy people.

    Thrush cure

    Can be cured by one-time intake of on 150 mg pill of Fluconazole (Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikomax). At the same time Pimafucin suppositories or vaginal tablets Clotrimasol should be applied for thrush treatment. In addition vaginal suppositories that include Lactobacillus acidophilus should be also used for 5-7 days to recover normal state of microflora.

    Thrush and sex

    If you suffer from thrush then sexual acts will most likely be accompanied by pain. If you don’t feel a pain, you may safely have sex, but surely with condom.

    The sexual partner should be also treated by taking Fluconazole and smear his genitals with Clotrimasol cream.

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    How to cure thrush (part 1)

    March 30th, 2010 by admin

    There is no such woman, who had experienced at least once upon a time throughout her life in their lives faced thrush. Well, in many female forums you can see the discussion fields where ladies mainly young mothers arises the current topic i.e. how to overcome the thrush. This issue is to be a major concern for too many young ladies and the term of discussion like in a category of intimate and most embarrassed to ask the truth about it. By the way, the most common belief is such the disease affects not only women but also have a negative inputs towards men and even children.

    Thrush cure

    One has to understand thoroughly that the crucial point is when you try to understand what is a yeast infection and why this disease is perceived as so common and what causes thrush? Affliction, which are popularly referred to as thrush got the name from a type of discharge, which he accompanied by. Amongst the medical environment yeast infection is also known as a Latin term candidiasis. That is due to a kind of Cause of fungi and the type of yeast which belongs to the genus Candida. This opposite fungal infections normally should be present in the genital tract and intestine and in the mouth of a healthy person but can cause the disease only when conditions are a bit favorable for their reproduction. We are to claim that the cause of yeast infection is not actually only fungi and the state in which their growth is enhanced. These stuff include various kinds of hormonal problems that arise during pregnancy as well as during the normal daytime and when taking certain contraceptive hormones like prednisone or so called dexamethasone. Such kind of sickness such as diabetes various types of thyroid pathology are also more or less frequent accomplished thrush. Any reduction in the activity of immunity was not caused by long-flowing bodies of any infection, HIV. Also, that leads to the fact that the body’s defenses are weakened and unable to contain the growth of fungi. It should also say that antibiotics are detrimental effect not only on the harmful bacteria, but also to those who are normal, even useful “residents” of the organism, providing complete freedom of the agents of candidiasis. Sexually transmitted infections like trichomoniasis or mycoplasmosis etc. are able to be attributed to the causes thrush.

    In order to obtain a correct way of understanding with respect to what yeast infection, it is very important to understand that the discovery of a fungus Candida analysis is not to say that you are suffering from candidiasis. The fact that there is a specific disease thrush, can speak only if, along with deviations in the analysis, there are manifestations of the disease as white, cheesy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching more frequently called candidiasis coleitis. That stuff appears in a form of thrush amongst women. As for children, thrush may occur as a kind of light flying in the mouth in terms of gums being on tongue or palate or sometimes may lead to the fact that the child will be unpleasant or even painful to suck the breast. In men, the disease appears itching, dryness, redness of the foreskin of your penis. Well, both women and men who are itching and burning sensation caused by thrush have to be intensified after intercourse so that it is for the reason thrush being the reason for couples to split up actually which has it’s negative impact towards the society.

    What you need to know about thrush?

    When people talk about “thrush” as a term it often comes to mind usually that the stuff is somehow related to candidiasis i.e.a kind of disease being the one affecting the mucous membranes of the external genitalia (vagina and vulva) both amongst women and men, like for them it has the form of glans penis, caused by the fungi Candida.

    We know also that thrush:

    1. Is sexually transmitted in the majority of cases.

    2. Arises as a complication forwarded in a completion with other illness:

    • after overtaking some antibiotics and hormones;
    • dysbacteriosis intestine or vagina (dysbiosis) procedures;
    • half effective measures against hanged blood sugar;
    • by prolonged exposure to the organism of adverse physical factors like the ones working in warm humid areas, in the confectionery industry, etc.

    You have to remember that more or less often people perceive under the guise of “thrush” the proceed in various diseases of the sexual sphere.

    Effective treatment of thrush is expected to:

      1) deduct comorbidity organism;
      2) delete accompanying sexual infection;
      3) refine the diagnosis by seeding the mushrooms and determination of susceptibility to antifungal drugs you selected species Candida;
      4) check the status of immunity.

    Based on these survey results to treatment of thrush with partners on an individual program and restore the flora of the vagina partner.

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    How to cure cystitis

    March 27th, 2010 by admin

    The inflammation process of the bladder is a relatively common disease of urinary tract which is the most frequently seen amongst women rather than men, to whom the disease occurs in reasonably much less cases.

    Cystitis cure

    In accordance with classification adopted worldwide cystitis is in fact split into primary and secondary phases.

    Primary cystitis most often occurs in the intact bladder being raised without any previous changes within intact bladder being developed as an independent disease.

    Secondary cystitis is a more complicated situation compared to other diseases of the urinary bladder.

    Remember! Primary cystitis are often seen as an acute whereas secondary ones present the chronic cases only.

    Originally the name Cysts comes from the Greek. Kystis which is bladder inflammation of the bladder which usually is being developed on the basis of infection which is basically characterized by frequent and painful urination, blood and pus in the urine, discomfort during sexual life.

    In fact, it is difficult to treat cystitis and achieve full recovery stage is not a feasible thing for everyone. Unfortunately, for the majority of patients there is not always a stronghold chance comprising of one hundred percent which guarantees of recovery. In many cases there is a relapse of the disease in relation to the erosion of general immunity combined with colds, chill or the use of substances which is irritating the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder. The obvious question which comes to mind more or less often is “whether it is worth to treat cystitis, not enough to be a simple medication to reduce the symptoms of the disease?”. The question is hard to answer in fact since most of the experts trust that the need to treat cystitis is essential although in some cases after taking some pills the patient feels like a healthy person. This is especially important for young women who want to know the joy of motherhood. The spread of infections a child is possible in 40-60% of cases.

    For the sufficient treatment of cystitis the patients need to obtain the competent on time advice of a urologist or gynecologist consultation. The specialists of up to date clinics would offer demanded procedures i.e. laser urological special nozzles, bladder instillation of solutions of silver being the relevant methods of injection of the relevant drugs combined with hydrosulphuric mud which is seen as accelerated mechanism for the healing process of the patient without serious medical intervention. Wide experience of the practice of treating the disease and the annual collaboration with leading urologists in Europe and North America are the key points while considering the clinic and appropriate treatment for such inconvenient kind of disease at any stage of complexity. After passing the basic therapy the patient should remain under the supervision of the attending physician with special treatment procedures still done in order to overcome post recovery sindrome.

    General causes of cystitis

    The general cause of cystitis may be caused by many factors like infection, allergy, stones and other foreign bodies such as trauma or autoimmune diseases, bladder cancer, radiation therapy and medicinal substances, especially anticancer chemotherapeutic agents. But more often the cause of cystitis is an infection which in the most cases has the bacterial origin but sometimes a viral, fungal or parasitic.
    By the nature of the flow distinguish three forms of cystitis:

    • Acute
    • Recurrent
    • Chronic

    Acute cystitis develops suddenly like a storm developing within several hours which manifests itself in typical cases of burning and / or tenderness during urination being followed by frequent urgent impulses, pain over the pubis, a slight increase in temperature and nocturia. Often there is a severe pain in the waist, as well, especially for women we notice gross hematuria or in other words blood in urine.

    Chronic cystitis is a term which can be misleading since it does not include cases of recurrent acute cystitis where in between of the attacks there may take place weeks or even months of a kind of relief but applies only to this form of the disease in which symptoms persist continuously for many weeks. The basis of chronic cystitis often lies deeper (interstitial) tissue inflammation of the bladder.

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    How to cure prostatitis

    March 27th, 2010 by admin

    What is prostatitis? Basically saying it’s inflammation of the prostate so that it goes swelling. This is the most frequent urological disease happening amongst men aged 20-50 years. The believe is such that after 30 years the number of men suffering from prostate accounts to 30% whereas after 40 years the figure comprise 40% of the same and amongst 50 y.o. people it is around 50% which makes people to worry a lot.

    How is prostatitis treated and what is the right way for that?

    According to the results obtained via clinical and laboratory examination the practicing urologist is the one in charge to offer the complex treatment program, which should include a range of therapeutic measures. In other words, a comprehensive treatment program typically has to include doctor’s recommendations with respect to antibacterial and antiviral therapy i.e. the therapy with drugs that enhance overall vascular tone. Physiotherapy treatments being widely used like magnetic-laser-short-wave therapy or ultrasound therapy and massage procedures are appointed as a course in many cases. Overall, in each case the choice and appropriate method of treatment might vary according to recommendations of urologist.

    Main reasons:

    1) Infections obtained via sexual contacts i.e. transmitted infections such as: Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, Trichomonas, gonococci, fungus genus Candida and Escherichia coli which can infect the urethra and identified in prostate tissue; As you can see the number of reasons for the disease are many and for each case being identified we require somewhat different approach taking into the account it’s specifics.

    2) Disruption in the blood circulation relating to the pelvic organs like the stagnation in the prostate leads to its inflammation:

    • Sort of “sitting lifestyle” which is rather common when we talk about drivers or office workers and even government servants;
    • Prolonged sexual abstinence or interrupted coitus, or artificial lengthening of the sexual act.

    3) So called frequent hypothermia which is seen common with lovers of extreme recreation i.e. diving, surfing, kayaking, skiing etc.

    4) Common stress situations both mental and physical overload experienced more often.

    Prostatitis and your potency as a man is always the crucial point to negotiate. The amount of inflammation of the prostate itself does not lead to impotence. However, chronic prostate being left without treatment and taking care of, as well as inflammation of the seed tubercle can lead to the oppression of sexual desire, lack of erection, premature or rapid ejaculation, pain during ejaculation, and so-called “erased” orgasm.

    Prostatitis cure

    Prostate is commonly seen as a male infertility at the end. One the one hand that is true and among other factors which have to be taken into account are the ones also affecting the prostate on the viability of sperm and in some cases the inflammatory process leads to infertility.

    True and false beliefs about prostatitis

    It was like a strong believe for many years that prostate is not the thing which can cause a direct threat to the life of the patient and, thus, the disease can be adapted to live separately from you and it is OK. Nowadays, the situation has changed completely since when one of the priorities of modern medicine has been focused upon the quality of life. Recent studies conducted in North America have revealed that chronic prostatitis is one of the most frequent clinically and socially significant diseases. Hence, a mental health in relation to chronic prostatitis suffers no less than the same for other serious somatic diseases, which drastically reduces the quality of life of men. And this was a major impetus for studying this problem.

    Another very serious issue is that many doctors were convinced, as some still believe that the cause of all cases of prostate is a chronic infection that needs to be treated with antibacterial drugs. Well, mow it is absolutely proven fact that chronic bacterial prostatitis is a relatively rare disease and occurs only at 10% of all cases of prostatitis.

    Another serious problem is the difficulty in diagnosing some forms of prostate, but this is the cause of inadequate and ineffective treatment for such patients, which ultimately leads to frustration of both the patient and doctor.

    For example, men with urological masked depression more often become urologists and patients have been treated for many years from a non-existent prostatitis. This point only proves the view of the complexity and futility of treatment of prostatitis. Another common omission is frivolous relationship of chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction. Yet, until recently, has not been studied mechanism of erection and standardized methods of diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction, most patients who seek a urologist with special Doctor’s Degree i.e. who passed the examination and treatment of chronic prostatitis. Regarding non-existent disease patient received numerous antibiotics, he regularly massaging the prostate gland and prescribed a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures.

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