How to cure thyroid cancer

April 20th, 2010 by admin

Thyroid cancer is seen as a more common occasionsy case amongst women since their body has a number of factors predisposing towards hyperplastic processes occurring into the gland. The ratio of men and women stroke with thyroid cancer is like 3:1. Tumors of the thyroid gland treated are reasonably perceived as problematic. They arise against a background of inhibition of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency cured by antithyroid drugs or ionizing radiation. The development of tumors can be accelerated by a certain carcinogen. The research conducted reveal that giperestrogenemiya suppresses the synthesis of T3-4, which stimulates increased synthesis of TSH, causing the proliferation of the epithelium of the thyroid gland. In the recent years we experience increase in numbers of reports of thyroid cancer among children. It is also has been noted the frequent combination of prior radiation therapy of head and neck and upper chest with the various benign entity and (increasingly) radionuclide exposure from nuclear accidents. According to VV Dvoyrina and EA Axel (2003) the incidence of thyroid cancer among children of 5-9 years after the accident at Chernobyl, as compared with the average for Russia has increased 4,6-15,7 times.

Thyroid cancer cure

It may be noted that thyroid disease (including cancer) at the range of 90% of cases occur within women who suffering long-term inflammatory or neoplastic diseases of the genitals and breasts or have a hereditary predisposition to tumors, and dysfunction of endocrine glands.

Manifestations and diagnosis for cancer

The clinical picture of thyroid cancer at early stages of its development is scarce. Most cancers are seen as sort of nodes in the thyroid gland, or an increase in cervical lymph nodes. Differentiated thyroid cancer may be a long time did not differ in clinical picture of nodular goiter. The lack of apparent changes in the thyroid gland leads many experts to misguided tactics of treatment (observation, non-radical surgery, etc.). Often the first clinical manifestation of differentiated adenocarcinomas (particularly papillary carcinoma) may be metastasis of cancer in lymph nodes of the neck. This tumor is called “hidden cancer” – metastatic clinical variant.

L.N. Kamardin and A.F. Romanchishin attempted to systematize the main complaints placed patients, depending on the histogenesis of tumors, revealed no effects of hyperthyroidism.

The main complaint of patients with highly differentiated thyroid cancer are in terms of tumor, whereas undifferentiated cancer in more or less of a complaint relating to the proliferation process in the neighboring anatomical structures and cause the clinical symptoms: high growth, change of voice, choking, swallowing difficulties , pain, fever, weight loss, weakness, sweating, etc.

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How to cure stroke (part 2)

April 20th, 2010 by admin

The need for redistribution of blood between the different areas of the brain occurs both in physiological conditions, enhancing the functional activity, as in pathology caused by stenosis or obturation of vascular lumen. In such kind of situations it is significant and crucial role of collateral circulation (CC) to be taken into account. A rich network of anastomoses between arteries, carrying out blood and brain (between the front, middle and posterior cerebral arteries between the carotid and vertebro-basilar basin through the circle of Willis vessels) makes opportunities of blood redistribution between the different areas and compensation for reduced blood flow. Of course, the rate of incorporation of QA is essential for the effective implementation of cerebral blood flow. The high sensitivity of ganglion nerve cells of the brain to the factor hypoxia-ischemia causes a short time period is the restoration of blood flow through the rapid expansion of collateral vessels.

The delay of QA leads to the formation of focal ischemia with loss of brain tissue. Possibility of adequate QA depends primarily on the rate of occlusion of the lumen of the vessel. Thus, with a high rate of development of blockage of the vessel (eg, embolism), there is usually focal symptoms, on the contrary, the slow closing of the lumen of the artery and, therefore, well-developed collateral circulation, clinical symptoms may be transient in nature. Important to ensure the spacecraft are systemic blood pressure levels, the preservation of metabolic and myogenic mechanisms of self-regulation of cerebral circulation, especially individual cerebral vessels architectonics, level of obturation of the vascular lumen (main vessels of the head, the main arterial trunks or smaller vascular branches). Any damage to the individual branches of the proximal aortic arch (nameless and common carotid arteries, subclavian artery) may occur “steal syndrome” at the expense of cerebral blood flow, accompanied by cerebral symptoms.

Features vascular compensation are very important. Suffice it to recall that the literature describes the cases of complete closure (thrombosis) of one, two or even three of the great arteries with minor clinical symptoms, in which patients retain the ability to work. When incomplete compensation of regional cerebral blood flow arise initial clinical symptoms of cerebral circulation insufficiency.

The concept of cerebral vascular insufficiency is generally defined as a state of imbalance between demand and delivery of blood to the brain. It is based, most often, the restriction of blood flow in atherosclerotic narrowed brain vessels. This temporary decrease in systemic blood pressure can cause the development of ischemic brain region supplied by a vessel with a narrowed lumen. Atherosclerotic stenoses are beginning to show clinical symptoms only in their luminal narrowing of more than 50%. The potential inadequacy of blood supply of the brain due to cerebral vascular sclerosis usually manifests clinically with a further reduction in blood flow, in particular, with a decrease in blood pressure (myocardial infarction, the weakness of left ventricular function), incidence of vascular tone during shock or collapse, with a decrease or redistribution of the mass of blood (blood loss , diversion of blood to the periphery in the hot, radiation), diseases that lead to cerebral hypoxia (blood disease, pulmonary insufficiency, intoxication). All these reasons can lead to cerebral vascular nedostatochnocti and development of transient or persistent violations of the functions of the brain.

Epidemiological studies have shown the role and importance in the development of vascular pathology of the brain called risk factors, ie such features of the environment or the organism itself, which increases the risk of disease. The main risk factors include: age over 40 years of hereditary family history, obesity (often accompanied by hypercholesterolemia), lack of physical activity and psycho-emotional strain, smoking and regular alcohol consumption, nutritional factors (excessive consumption of animal fat, salt).

Indisputable risk factor is diabetes, boost the development of atherosclerosis. It is important that even a slight increase in blood sugar contributes to increasing the frequency of strokes.

A leading role has increased in AD. It is well known that patients with arterial hypertension strokes occur much more frequently than the “normotensive”. Systemic treatment and a persistent reduction in blood pressure significantly reduces the risk of cerebral lesions.

Some importance are persistent cardiac arrhythmia, particularly atrial fibrillation in the elderly, heart valve defects, chronic thrombophlebitis, blood disorders (erythremia, various leukemias). In the elderly are emerging as factors such as insolation, hot tubs, a tendency to constipation, as well as postoperative bleeding with a fall in blood pressure.

Modern classification of disorders of cerebral circulation divides them into two groups:

  • Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation during encephalopathy – discirculatory genesis of hypertensive encephalopathy and atherosclerotic discirculatory encephalopathy.
  • Acute disorders of cerebral circulation – a hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction), transient disorders of cerebral circulation.

Transient disorders of cerebral circulation – is acutely emerging NMC, showing focal or general cerebral symptoms and lasting no more than 24 hours (according to WHO classification). In the foreign literature they are often called transient ischemic attacks, as the basis of their usual lies transient ischemia in the basin of a cerebral vessel.

In contrast to the transient disorders of cerebral circulation strokes are characterized by persistent violations of brain functions, expressed in varying degrees. By the nature of the pathological process of stroke is divided into two large groups – hemorrhagic and ischemic.

Stroke treatment

In the WHO rates of stroke varies from 1,5 to 7,4 per 1000 population, growing with age. Highest-incidence between the ages of 50 and 70 years. Thus, at the age of 50-59 years, incidence of stroke is equal to 7.4, and those aged 60-69 years – 20 per 1000 population. Over the past four decades has changed the structure of vascular diseases of the brain due to the predominance of ischemic stroke over hemorrhagic.

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How to cure leukemia

April 20th, 2010 by admin

Leukemia is known as a severe tumor disease of hematopoietic tissue from bone marrow and the displacement of normal hematopoiesis germs.

The manifestations of leukemia are as follows: swollen lymph nodes and spleen followed with changes in the blood picture, etc.

Leukemia cure

Folk methods to combat and make a relief from leukemia

  • Take beet juice of red blood heals to be consumed day by day in half of a cup since it stimulates the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  • A nice remedy to clear the lymph was recommended method of Dr. Walker. You are to make a mixture of 900 g. of grapefruit juice with 900 g. of pure orange juice added by 200g. of lemon juice. All of these is to be mixed with 2 liters of melt water, cooked in the refrigerator. The stuff is to be consumed ones a day and it is a dose for one day. From morning to do an enema and drink solution 1 tablespoon of Glauber’s salt in 100 g of water. After that it is recommended to take a hot shower. You will see how it starts a great loss of moisture via feces, urine and perspiration and it is OK. After every 30 minutes you are to drink 100 grams of prepared in accordance with the current instructions mixture until you have consumed all 4 liters. The overall procedure for purified lymph takes 3 days without eating.
  • Take the flowering shoots of buckwheat seed extract to be prepared at the rate of one cup of herbs to a liter of boiling water. Drink it without any special rules gaining a result of relief.
  • If you are willing to restore the composition of your blood the help brings the following mixture i.e. half a liter of brandy or wine “Cahors” if the liver does not hit with half of a liter of aloe juice and one kilogram of honey mixed beforehand with 200 g. of chopped calamus root. The overall stuff after being properly mixed has to be insisted for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tablespoon for 1 hour before meals or 1 hour after meal 3 times a day with milk.
  • Take 100 g. of dry powdered roots of British inula placed in a dark glass bottle with poured into it 500 ml of 40% vodka and insist in the dark place for 8 days, occasionally shaking. Then drain, press the raw materials, tightly close the lid. Store in a cool dark place. Take 25 drops 3 times a day to half of a cup water.
  • Select Chaga (a birch mushroom) being washed with water and pour boiling water so that the body was submerged in water to be insisted then for 4-5 hours. Mushroom chop or grated, or mince. The water in which Chaga has soaked is used for infusion. One part of minced mushroom pour 5 parts of water remaining after soaking in water and heated to 50 ° C. Infuse for 48 hours and when the water was drained that means the sediment overcome through several layers of gauze. The resulting thick liquid diluted with boiled water to the original volume. The prepared infusion must be stored 3 or 4 days to be consumed everyday at least 3 cups of fractional portions.
  • Mix the ingredients in the specified amounts like Buckwheat Seed of three tablespoons with chamomile pharmacy of lower quantity (2 tbsp) to be mixed with green tea of one teaspoon and, Melilotus officinalis of 2 tsp. Prepare the infusion adding 800 ml of boiling water beforehand. Take 50 ml of 5 times a day. Do gadgets in radiation sickness, as well as on frequent X-ray irradiation.
  • You are to take three tablespoons of chopped herbs Oregano poured into 600 ml of water and bring to boil the stuff. Insist during the night after boiling in a thermos or under a warm blanket and filter in the morning. Take on 50-100 ml 3 times a day. You can add honey to taste. When leukemia marjoram – paramount and the most essential herb, but it must be taken cautiously, starting at 1 It is highly cups a day. Duration of treatment depends on the state of health. The cure will come to an end when the lost the desire to drink this herb, and macerate seem unpleasant i.e. the body itself will tell you that it’s high time to take a break.
  • Add 5 tablespoons of minced needles young spruce or pine needles (collected in the current year) to fill into half a litter of water for boilingil on low heat for 10 minutes. Leave overnight, wrapped, and in the morning strain. Drink throughout the day instead of water. Good to the infusion needle to add hips like2 or 3 tablespoons and peel onion like one tablespoon. This feature restores the cardiovascular system and cleanses the body from radiation. Needles can be replaced with flax seed or bearish eye – these plants perform the same role, although not to the same extent.

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How to prevent hair loss

April 20th, 2010 by admin

Hair loss is seen as excessive process for a man if a person loses hair on a daily basis over than 50-60 items and if it comprise the level of 30 to 50, then hair loss per day is considered normal.

Hair loss prevention

Major causes of hair loss are known as androgenic factor, metabolism disease with deficiency of vitamin B6 and folic acid, as well as agitation, sudden fright and due to stress and general weakening of the body caused by migrated diseases (like anemia, influenza, chronic colds, fever) and less often by a hereditary factor.

Symptoms of hair loss

Most often it is thinning of hair which is partial or complete loss in the crown and around the forehead in males or complete baldness.

Traditional folk methods

  • Castor oil is very beneficial effect on the hair roots. Usage of that stuff is simple i.e. heat the small amount of oil on the water bath and lubricate them to the scalp with an old toothbrush. Then cover the head towel and leave for at least 5 hours and after this procedure the head should be rinsed thoroughly with shampoo containing extracts of herbs. Repeat the procedure for 1 time a week for 1-2 months and not only stop hair fall out but will become of more dense and will grow much faster.
  • A well known and also effective tool for hair growth is the approach when you use rubbing the scalp burdock juice or ointment from burdock root. To do this successfully you are to boil the burdock root first in a quantity of 20 g. of roots for one cup of boiling water. The stuff is to be insisted for a duration of 20 minutes and then boil the liquid again to half the volume. Then you have to add mixed with guttural Heat the lard and pour into the pot. Cover tightly for a while and put the pot in the oven for several hours. With cooled thickened mass drain the water if it is not all evaporated, and lubricate the skin of the head of the ointment.
  • You should mix 10 grams of cognac with 40 g. of strained onion juice and 50 g. of decoction of burdock root (all of these are to be cooked at a ratio of 1:10 where burdock root comprise 10). Apply the mixture to rub into the scalp, bandaged head with a towel, leave a balm for 2 hours then wash your hair. The procedure is done on a daily basis.
  • If you suffer from a strong loss of hair it is better to use for rinsing of broth which is made from 3 tablespoons of chopped calamus rhizome and the welded for 15 minutes in half a liter of vinegar.
  • A very good strengthening hair and preventing hair loss common remedy is nettle. It is the best to use for the treatment the young nettles leaves being cut off before flowering. Prepare a decoction of it, cool to 40 ° C and rinse their hair after washing.
  • Select Lime blossom and pour 8 tablespoons into half a litter of water to be boiled for about 20 minutes. The obtained broth is to be used when washing head for a month duration. If there is slight improvement, continue to conduct this procedure.
  • It is useful to rub into the scalp birch sap with aloe juice and garlic and add to that honey and chicken yolk. Take all these ingredients and 1 teaspoon, mix well and rub the mixture into the scalp. Campaign was 1-2 hours or more before shampoo. Wash and rinse it suggest a strong infusion of birch leaves.
  • If your hair and scalp diseases useful 2 times a week to wash my hair decoction of burdock root and calendula flowers (20 g and 10 g of burdock calendula to 1 liter of water). You can include in broth 15 g of hop cones.
  • You can make a nourishing hair mask and it id also worth doing. In order to do this properly take one tablespoon of vegetable oil and egg yolks which are stirred and rub the stuff into the scalp every 40 minutes flushing the hair with warm water. This procedure is performed 1 time per week.
  • Use 4 g. of purified propolis placed in a glass bottle, add 100 ml of 40% alcohol, tightly close the cap and shake well. The solution is to rub in the hair roots.
  • Wash the head with warm water but without soap. After that gently massage the scalp and start rubbing common salt. The duration of such manipulation is not more than 10 minutes. Wash hair after that. You are to repeat this procedure 6 times during a week of the treatment. Russian healers claimed that this tool saved many from alopecia with dry scalp.

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How to cure disseminated sclerosis

April 20th, 2010 by admin

Reasons for disseminated (multiple) sclerosis

The cause of multiple sclerosis is a mad immune system which is beginning to take its own cells affecting them spoiling the membrane that encloses nerve fibers since they are perceived as aliens. And the process of destruction starts randomly i.e. here and there and thus, the word – “scattered” is commonly mentioned in such type of disease.

Disseminated sclerosis cure

Traditional folk methods

  • The most simple and affordable treatment for people’s multiple sclerosis is just selection of the usual black sunflower seeds. To significantly improve the general condition is sufficient for a week every day to eat a glass of pure NOT roasted black seeds. It looks very simple but at the same time rather effective.
  • Also, traditional medicine in multiple sclerosis recommends to use water with tincture of nettle, Leonurus and Melis and hawthorn in quantities like one tablespoon of each herb in half a liter of boiling water. You are supposed to drink 30 ml for 20 minutes before eating.
  • A reasonably good and importantly and of high efficiency from multiple sclerosis is an onion with honey. Preparation procedure is very simple i.e. just mix 1 tbsp. l. onion juice with 1 tablespoon honey. Eat 1 tablespoon of a mixture obtained one hour before meals.
  • Use mummy in a quantity of 5 g. to be dissolved into 100 ml of boiled water at left to be cooled up to the room temperature. Take inside in a quantity of one tbsp 3 times a day before eating. The solution is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Take Propolis of 10 gr. and add 70% aqueous alcohol to be insisted for one week, occasionally shaking, pour off solution, while the remainder re-pour 200 ml of the same spirit and again insist week. Take 30 drops (from 50 ml of water) 3 times a day half an hour after taking the mummy.
  • Just make a tincture of larkspur also known as Delphinium of a 100 g. quantity with dry powdered herb being poured 1.5 liters of vodka and insist for 21 days in a dark place shaking the stuff every day, then strain. Take in drops only with 50 ml of water half an hour after infusion of propolis on the scheme i.e. 10 days to 15 drops 3 times a day. The next 10 days to 20 drops 3 times a day, then all subsequent days to cure to 30 drops 3 times a day. All medications are taken before meals with an interval of 30 minutes courses for 21 days, then 9 days of rest.
  • Bee venom. Well, it is seen as a very painful procedure although it brings good effect i.e. you have to practice bee stings in the spring and summer . Bees are put on the back between the vertebrae. The course is of one year duration with 600 bees involved overall.

Onion and gooseberries as a solution!

In case of having multiple sclerosis you should pay more attention to such traditional medicine as onion juice. Take the onions and finely chop them, or simply grate in case you do not have the juicer. If you have it you simply just squeeze one cup of onion juice and add the same amount of honey. Take one tablespoon three times a day and remember it has to be taken either one hour before or one hour after eating.

If you have multiple sclerosis occuring with headaches then do yourself a daily juice from the berries of black currant to be consumed like a one third a cup 2-3 times a day.

Gooseberries are very good for the multiple sclerosis. It is also a kind of folk remedy and the berry is growing in almost every garden. In fact, green gooseberries help well to strengthen health. This is a good tool to help you cure atherosclerosis.

Eat one tablespoon is not quite ripe fruit gooseberry. And most importantly do not distract from the gooseberries, dry stalks, because they contain substances that can reduce blood cholesterol.

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How to cure scab

April 19th, 2010 by admin

Traditional treatment for scab

First of all we want to say a few words about this kind of disease. Though it may look like at first glance that there are slightly different scab symptoms being raised in different parts of the body still the origin for all of that is scabies mite. For years and years people used to believe that a good treatment for that is kerosene but unfortunately it\\’ not. Kerosene for scabies should not be applied since it has some danger that is caused by suction to the skin of your body and it can cause inflammation.

Scab cure

Russian methods for scab treatment

  • Take Kvass (local soft drink) with much salt added and warm up the stuff so that the hand could bear. You are to put your hands into this substance several times a day and kept for as long as you can bear the warmth. The method is very good to be used in the case when the scab disease struck only your hands.
  • Take Bay leaf and creamy oil, then mix in equal parts and rub into the affected places.
  • Use pork fat of 4 parts added with pounding sulfur of 2 parts and one part of salt. The Ingredients are to be mixed thoroughly and the substance which you gain at the end you are to rub into the affected areas daily for 5 days of period of time.
  • Take Lard in a quantity of one tbsp. with laundry soap of the same and sulfur of 2 tbsp. with birch tar oil of one tbsp. This mix well all the ingredients until smooth ointment. Then thoroughly wash yourself with hot soapy water and wipe dry. After that you are to rub out with this ointment. Do not wash out the stuff from your body until the next day. Treatment procedure has to be lasted for three days in a row and scabies pass.
  • Take turpentine of one tbsp with butter of 2 tbsp. The prepared mixture is to be used to rub onto the affected skin.
  • Mix one part of sulfur powder with two parts of lard (better internal lard) and grease. The substance has to be also used as a stuff to cover affected parts of the skin.
  • Get a half tablespoon of lard and mix with half a tablespoon of green soap and all these substance is to be mixed with half a tablespoon of sulfur powder and a teaspoon of refined tar. Mix all thoroughly again and rub into the skin twice a day, morning and evening before bedtime.
  • Take one spoonful of sulfur powder and the same amount of refined coal tar with half spoon of chalk powder and one tablespoon of green soap and the same of lard. Mix well all of it and rub this mixture twice a day and not wash. Well, after four or five days to go to the steam bath or take a hot bath.
  • Take 200 g. of liquid purified birch tar and pour it into a large vessel filled with water. Stir this mixture for as long as the fluid is the color of tar. Then, drain and pour fresh water. Repeat this seven to eight times and at all until the composition becomes whitish and thick as honey. Rub this composition in the sore spots.
  • Take one teaspoon of turpentine and mixed with one or two tablespoons of lard or the same amount of boiled linseed oil. A place free of itching pimples, you can lubricate the only one with turpentine.
  • Get the ammonia of 20% concentration per one liter and powder blister beetle of 27 g. with root Elecampane of a quantity of 50 g. added with calamus root of the same and green walnuts root up to 30g. All the ingredients are to be retained and insisted in ammonia for two weeks. Then this mixture is boiled for 20 minutes in a sealed container and to be drained and mixed with the ammonia infusion. This medicine is to make grinding and packing, and diluted with boiled water. The stuff is more commonly used as a lotion.

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How to cure diathesis

April 19th, 2010 by admin

Diathesis is a kind of abnomal state of the organism which more often relates to a child’s body and characterized by predisposition to certain number of diseases with allergic effects.

Diathesis cure

Causes of diathesis disease

The most often ones are metabolic disorders or hypersensitivity to certain foods.

The manifestations of the diathesis

A person is having red skin rash, strong irritation and itching.

Traditional treatments for diathesis

  • Prepare the components in the following proportions i.e. the root of liquorice of 10 g., burdock (root also) of 15 g. and a root of Common Dandelion the same quantity to be mixed up with the sequence of the Trifid dry grass of 30 g. with madder-wort dried root also 30g. For preparation put all of those into 200 ml of boiling water to be heated in a water bath in a sealed container for 10 minutes and to be filtered then thoroughly. Take like 1-2 glasses in the morning.
  • Take Viola tricolor grass of 40 g. and the root of liquorice of 30 g. and buckthorn of 30 g. make up a broth using 200 ml of boiling water, then leave this container for 10 minutes to strain. Take 2 cups of broth daily for treatment of exudative diathesis.
  • Use series grass of 20 g. with walnuts leaves of 10 g, and Viola tricolor grass of 40 g. mixed with burdock root in the equal proportion combined with white dead-nettle (herb). Also use black currant leaves of 20 g. with strawberry leaves of the same to be all mixed and boiled, then insist 6-8 hours and give your child to 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • Give your child a black radish juice 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. You should begin with 1 drop and increasing the daily dose of 2 drops and so on to bring up eventually to 1 tablespoon.
  • Teaspoon chopped dandelion roots pour a glass of boiled water. Then you have to insist and wrap for 1 -2 hours and strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day for half an hour before a meal.
  • Take 20 grams of dry grass succession pour a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and filter. Has to be consumed for combating diathesis in a quantity of 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. The infusion can be used for compresses and lotions.
  • Mix 1 part of pine oil and 3 parts baby cream or olive oil with added vitamin C. You can mix ointment of three parts of pine oil with three parts sulfur ointment and four parts baby cream. Lubricate the affected areas.
  • Give your child a teaspoon of flour prepared from fresh shell eggs . Flour extinguished a small amount of lemon juice and this meal also promotes the strengthening and growth of teeth.
  • Select Viola tricolor herb grass with white dead-nettle and strawberry leaves mix evenly. Tablespoon of mixture is to be to filled with a glass of hot water and boiled for 20 minutes on low heat and then cooled an strain. Take a glass 3-4 times a day before meals for abrasions, rashes on the skin diathesis.
  • Take rhizome elecampane, Gentian and yarrow grass mixed and poured into half a liter of water, boil 10 minutes and cool 30 minutes, then drain. Take a spoonful of the warm form 3 times daily before meals for 1-2 months.
  • Take a tablespoon of dry powdered roots of quack grass pour half a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes, insisting encased for 2 hours and strain. The consumption is 3-4 times a day before meals like half of a cup as regenerates metabolism in various diseases of the skin means.
  • Select 50 g. of chopped chicory roots added into one1 liter of boiling water. Insist the stuff for 2 hours and do not forget to boil for 20 minutes before drain. Prepare the bath of about 36-37 ° C with the addition of decoction of chicory, which can be taken at any time of day when diathesis occurs.

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How to cure allergy

April 19th, 2010 by admin

Allergy is an increased or distorted sensitivity of human’s body towards any allergen i.e. substance that causes allergy. The reaction for the allergen occurred may be in the form of immediate hypersensitivity or delayed type. An allergy is the basis or in other words stronghold of the so-called allergic diseases (eg, asthma, hives or dermatitis).

Allergy cure

The causes of the disease

It is well known that allergy is an indicator of disharmony caused by improper diet and unhealthy lifestyles of people. The causes of allergy can also be like excessive consumption of refined and processed foods being overloaded with numerous chemical additives, as well as emotional or psychological stress going on once in a while on a continuous basis. Allergens may be also a kind of reaction upon some medicines, household dust, pet hair and even washing powders.

Allergy symptoms

The symptoms demonstrate themselves in various organs of the human body and in various forms such as: recurrent headaches, migraines, dizziness, nervousness, depression, neuralgia, conjunctivitis, eczema, hay fever, rhinitis, diarrhea, vomiting, asthma, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and eyelids. It is important to be aware that the same allergens can cause different symptoms in different people at different times.

Folk treatment methods

  • Take one tablespoon of the large one celandine and add 2 cups of water to be boiled within. Then push for 4 hours so that it a consistent liquid stuff will occur. Drink in a quantity of 1/4 of a cup just 15-20 minutes before meals in morning and evening.
  • When you have higher reactions to pollen which is more frequent in July and early August it is strongly recommended when coming home from the street to rinse the throat with plain water or with the addition of soothing herbal extracts of Leonurus or valerian in any concentration. It is also good to take a contrast shower at least 3 times a day.
  • To a person who suffers from allergy it is important for full recovery in order a change the reaction of the body to drink for a few months instead of tea and coffee only fresh broth which is specially prepared. Brew it like tea and let it boil for 20 minutes. Color broth should be golden and if it muddy or green it means substance is so far unsuitable for use. Broth can not be stored for a long time it should be drunk as soon as it was prepared. The bur marigold is better to collect yourself or buy fresh in a drug store to be dried in a dark place.
  • Prepare a tincture of Spiraea (Filipendulae ulmariae)flowers to be poured in a quantity of one tablespoon of it to 500 ml. of boiling water and insist approximately for 10-15 minutes. Drink a stuff made in the from of one tablespoon for 3-4 times a day. As a rule, allergy is slightly starts reducing it’s effect and only a few months of treatment may give a complete recovery result.
  • One of the best treatments for allergy is a mummy remedy. But we need to select mummy of high quality for that. The procedure is rather simple i.e. dissolve it in the following proportions: 1 g. of mummy to 1 liter of warm water. Note that a good mummy is dissolved without any appearance of the precipitate. You are to take the prepared solution once a day in the morning and drink it together with warm milk. Dosage: Children 4-7 years to 70 ml, 8 years and older – 100 ml. Effects of mummy is usually rather rapid. The course of treatment have at least 20 days in spring and autumn.

Diet recommendations

To prevent or overcome allergy negative effects you should first improve immunity. This seems to be a rather challenging task to be performed well according to Indian doctor X. K. Bahru. At first you are to have a four or five-day juice fast i.e. just drink a lot of juice so that to achieve better stability to the acquired allergy. After the juice diet patient can move to monodiete consisting of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples and grapes which should be carried out not more than a week. Following this, monodiete may be added a second food product in the third, etc. At the end of the fourth week of the diet protein products are introduced.

At the beginning of the diet you should exclude tea, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, sugar and products thereof, peeled cereals, meat, fish, milk, cheese, butter, smoked meat, spices and in future use them very sparingly.

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How to cure osteochondrosis

April 19th, 2010 by admin

For the treatment of osteochondrosis doctors usually prescribe multiple medications. In complicated cases i.e. where osteochondrosis complicated by herniated disc, a person is more often sent to the operation and the operation is perceived as a serious one. Although currently we have an opposite approach with the help of laser medicine and do not have to break the bone to get to the hernia. Yet, the method provides a reasonable large percentage of recurrence of hernia formation, and in some cases it may not be applicable since it may be followed with more severe consequences. In connection with such a situation more and more people prefer to turn their sight towards alternative ways of treatment of osteochondrosis. More and more organizations “crop up” offering their exclusive method of treatment with a growing number of specially designed simulators and devices at the medical centers that combine several types of treatments under one roof and at the same time.

The most common treatments are: manual therapy, medication and physiotherapy. Less commonly used methods are the folk remedies, massage cupping, Hirudotherapy, traction, bee venom therapy and many others.

Osteochondrosis cure

Each of these treatment approaches has a number of arguments in favor and against and as there are patients who are not being helped by one of the above mentioned since it may perhaps made the situation worse. A very common complication after manipulation therapy is the one that in some cases massage does not help and is contraindicated, especially if not done by a professional. Some, often administered drugs, in addition to treatment of osteochondrosis adversely affect other organs, especially the liver and digestive organs.

Folk methods for successful treatment process (to be combined with medical care)

  • Prepare the following composition: take knot-grass of 4 tablespoons with so called strawberry timber pharmacy and 2 tablespoons of barberry common. All to be boiled in a one liter of water to be taken 3 times a day with the quantity of one tablespoon at a time. Alternatively you may use alcohol insist of the same stuff so in such case t ake 25 drops 4 times a day. The treatment course of 30 days, then make a break for 14 days and over again. Simultaneously, during the treatment period you are to do medical gymnastics. Apply with osteochondrosis or exchange polyarthritis.
  • Mix the following ingredients in the recommended quantities: Highlander snake dry grass in one tablespoon, fragrant celery (root), Lemon balm, a series of Trifid and red bilberry leafs with wild rose cinnamaldehyde root – all in a quantity of 2 tablespoons. Take one liter of boiling water to take 6 tablespoons of above mentioned collection and boil again. Consume 50 ml of that times a day. Apply in severe osteochondrosis or exchange polyarthritis.
  • Use 100 g. of cranberry leaves insist to be boiled for 2 hours in 2,5 liters of water and filtered afterwards, to add 1.25 cups of infusion of 40% alcohol. Then, retain it for 15 minutes tantalized over low heat. Drink in a portion of halh of cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is considered for 6 months.
  • Take 5 g. of the medicinal root of lovage and pour a glass of water, then bring the stuff to a boil condition. After boiled for 10-15 minutes make it insisting for 2-3 hours and filter. Drink in the deposition of salts and 1 tablespoon of 3 – 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
  • Use 2 tablespoons of the leaves of heather poured into a liter of water to be boiled for 10-15 minutes on low heat, insist night and filter. Drink as a tea during the day. The course of treatment is considered for 3 months, then break for 2-3 weeks and recurrence rate.
  • With the deposition of salt is perfect for cutting celery. It is useful also because it contains a lot of vitamins. The infusion is prepared from the root in a quantity of 3-4 g of minced raw poured into a liter of slightly cooled boiling water, let it brew for 8 hours and strain. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day. You can use fresh juice from the roots of celery and drunk on 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The monthly rate may be repeated after an interval of 2-3 weeks.
  • Pick up pine nut to clean and fill them 1 / 3 of a half-liter bottles-tion. Pour a bottle of alcohol. Let it brew for 3-4 weeks. Color infusions should be brown. Take it in the morning at half of a cup cold water with 5 drops of tincture. The course of treatment – from 3-4 to 6 months.
  • Prepare the following composition: a horse chestnut of 3 tablespoons with century plant of 100 g. and camphor oil of 50 g. with fat domestic pork unsalted ( 50 g.). Add to that purified turpentine of 30 g and vodka or other strong beverages of 200ml. The stuff after mixing has to be placed to insist during 9 days in a dark place. Then apply a thin layer on black bread and attach it hurts. If you burn, shoot and at a later time to make. If it is warm, do not shoot. Apply for spontaneous disease, osteochondrosis.

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How to cure jaundice

April 19th, 2010 by admin

Some people refer to a jaundice all kind of liver diseases, but professional medicine people say we have to distinguish all of them. In fact, Frequent causes of jaundice – Improper diet, infections, jaundice and alcoholism.

Jaundice is perceived as an increased serum bile pigments being caused by the yellowish color of the skin appeared with a kind of sclera and more deeply located tissues. There are three types of jaundice occurred more often i.e. Hemolytic jaundice which is caused by intensive disintegration (i.e. hemolysis) of erythrocytes like obstructive jaundice occurs as a result of mechanical obstacles to the flow of bile into the duodenum (with cholelithiasis with biliary tract cancer). So called hepatic jaundice is caused by lesions of the liver tissue in terms of hepatitis in the way of different etiologies (viral, toxic, reactive). Physiological Jaundice is being transient jaundice which crops up in the majority of healthy newborns during the first days of life since the fetal red blood cells contain another type of hemoglobin (Hb F), which are destroyed after the birth.

Treatment of jaundice by all means in likelihood of traditional medicine:

1. Pick up the bark of willow like 60 gr. of dried and powdered willow bark to be boiled in a one liter of water for a duration of 15-20 minutes and insisted being encased throughout day. The stuff is to be filtered and consumed in proportion of 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals. Take for jaundice and other liver conditions.

2. Take Immortelle in the quantity of 25 gr. and then boil in 1 liter of water up to half the volume, i.e. up to half a liter. When cool down and strain afterwards. Please, take 50 mg. 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Allow to full recovery.

Jaundice remedy

3. Select the Juice of sauerkraut for upward consumption. Everyday from the early morning take the juice in a quantity of one glass every 2-3 hours. Allow to full recovery. It usually takes 1-2 weeks for revival.

4. Hazelnut (filbert) leaves have to be taken herewith. The leaves are dried in an oven without gas i.e. microwave is the most suitable chance with one teaspoon of powdered leaves insist from evening to morning in a glass of white wine. Take this infusion throughout the day on an empty stomach in three hours. Trust me after 12-15 days of jaundice passes over.

5. Take oat straw (chaff). You are to consider handful of chopped oat straw is boiled in one liter of water to half volume to be filtered on. Consume a glass 3 times a day before meals.

6. A good choice is Asarum leaves like one part being everlasting flower i.e. flowers in one part of 15 gr. Being mixed with a cup of boiling water. Insisting, encased in 3 hours, strain. Take 1 cup a day for 3-4 hours.

7. Bearberry leaves are the nice choice for being selected in a part with knotweed grass in a part of corn stigmas with pods of beans of the same and 15 gr. of mixture of one cup of boiling water. Insisting, encased 3 hours, strain. Take warm for 1/2 cup 3 times a day. It is used in jaundice.

8. Flowers immortelle are the appropriate decision too in the quantity of 40 gr. mixed with watch trifoliata Sheet of 30 gr. with mint, leaf 20 gr. The fruit of coriander – 20 gr. 2 tablespoons of the ofcollection of 2 cups of water. Boil 10 minutes, to insist, encased in 1 hour, filter. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. It is used in jaundice and inflammation of the biliary tract.

10. Celandine herb as a tincture be taken orally as a painkiller for liver and gallbladder diseases (hepatitis, jaundice, cholecystitis, stones and sand in them and many others.

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