How to cure constipation

August 31st, 2010 by admin

We call it Constipation in medicine if the duration is more than 48 hours. Constipation is related to frequent health problems and, according to medical statistics, occur most often in young children and the elderly. In highly developed Western countries up to ten percent of the total population suffer from chronic or persistent constipation and amongst women it is three times more often than amongst men.

Constipation cure

Well, many people are constipated when traveling or after stress and surgery. These locks are held when returning to normal life and are not considered disease. If they occur frequently and have become like a commonplace you require careful diagnosis and treatment.
Causes of constipation are different:

  • diet, a poor vegetable fibers, in combination with a small amount of fluid consumed and sedentary life;
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract i.e. peptic ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome, tumors of the colon;
  • accumulation of hardened feces in the intestines or fecal stones;
  • diseases of the anus i.e. anal fissures, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, accompanied by significant pain and prevent bowel;
  • neurological diseases i.e. stroke, Parkinson’s disease, damage and tumors of the spinal cord, multiple sclerosis;
  • endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes, etc.);
  • intake of certain drugs (atropine, bicarb, almagel, cocaine, etc.);
  • long-term depression.

Treatment of constipation

If persistent constipation due to intestinal tumor occurs, a surgical treatment is needed. In other cases the treatment program includes:

  • A diet with the inclusion of foods rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, coarse black bread (sometimes especially food bran) and not less than 2 liters of fluid a day. Feed on you regularly, at least 5 times a day.
  • Medicines (oil with fish oil, sunflower oil, etc.) and cleansing enemas.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Cancel drugs that weaken the reduction of the intestine like atropine, bicarb, almagel, some antidepressants.

If the above steps are not sufficiently effective, doctors prescribe laxatives.

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How to cure hypertension

August 31st, 2010 by admin

Hypertension is feasible in high blood pressure first of all. The presence of hypertension is indicated if the increase in blood pressure is reported by a doctor within at least three control measurements of blood pressure.

Hypertension cure

Predispose to the development of Hypertension is stress, smoking, weakness, weight gain, impaired function of the endocrine system, kidney disease, old age, heredity and excess salt in food. Of major importance in the diagnosis and nature of the violations of individual organs and systems are instrumental research methods (ECG, echocardiography and ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound of the heart as well as lipid metabolism, determination of creatinine, urea and potassium.

Hypertension can be both a cause and consequence of renal disease progression in which it plays a key role. Among the causes of chronic renal failure, hypertension prevalence, ranks second after diabetes.

Hypertension: features and cure

Often you can find the view that the good tolerability of high numbers of blood pressure can not be treated. It is not only fundamentally wrong, but dangerous. Chronically elevated levels of blood pressure can contribute to the development of such troubles as heart failure, kidney failure, visual impairment, stroke, coronary heart disease. So it is better still to have this thing be treated!

Argued that as a rule in the treatment procedure of hypertension doctors tend to reduce the pressure to the so-called “Working numbers” i.e. those on which a person asserts that they are for him “normal”. Occasionally a patient may say that “working pressure” for him – 160/100 mm Hg. Art., and in such numbers it is a “normal sense. Such an approach is wrong. The doctor will definitely seek the way to reduce high blood pressure to normal numbers. This is absolutely unambiguous approach recommended now by all leading experts. There are perhaps only two exceptions to this rule – marked narrowing of the renal arteries in cases where no immediate surgery to remedy this condition and severe renal insufficiency.

If they say that the reduction of blood pressure to normal levels should be gradual in practice the danger may occur in the way instantaneous reduction in pressure by more than 25 percent of the original level which can be harmful for the organism. In general, hypertension should take a practice to regularly in terms of monitoring the blood pressure.

Among the most modern methods of hypertension treatment there is a method, based on the fact that when you have “deep breathing” that creates a deficit of CO2 required for the normal functioning of the organism. And finally, a few words about the relation with the treatment of arterial hypertension, smoking and alcohol. Smoking is not conducive to health in general and the normalization of pressure in particular since nicotine constricts blood vessels and this leads to an increase in pressure. Talking about the fact that smoking calms and thus reduces the pressure should not be taken seriously. It turns out that high blood pressure not to smoke. Alcohol in moderation can reduce vascular tone and thus reduce the pressure. Even beer (of course not in the horse doses), contrary to popular belief does not lead to aggravation of hypertension (definitely need to have healthy kidneys).

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How to cure abscess

August 31st, 2010 by admin

Abscess is seen as a delimited accumulation of pus in various tissues and organs. The abscess must be distinguished from cellulitis which means diffuse purulent inflammation of tissue and empyema which is accumulation of pus in body cavities and hollow organs.

Abscess cure

The causative of this form of purulent process is often staphylococcus which is the sole source or in association with streptococcus and Escherichia coli as well as Proteus and other types of the microflora.
The most common ways of penetration of microbes and the development of abscesses are numerous: skin damage, the spread of infection from the primary tumor, suppuration hematoma if it is followed by limited outcoming of blood, cysts which is a limited capsule fluid accumulation and the introduction of the soft tissue of concentrated solutions of drugs and lymphogenic metastasis purulent infection etc.

A special feature is the presence of an abscess pyogenic membrane i.e. the inner wall of purulent cavity being created by the surrounding inflammatory tissue and seen as a manifestation of a normal protective reaction of the human organism. Pyogenic membrane is lined with granulation tissue and it demarcates a purulent-necrotic process and produces exudates effect.

Depending on the localization distinguish the surface in the subcutaneous tissue and deep one in the organs, tissues and cavities abscesses. Superficial abscesses are characterized by classical symptoms of acute inflammation: hyperemia of the skin, swelling, local pain, local increases reflected in body temperature and impaired function. In tuberculous spondylitis pus often is distributed on interstitial cracks far from the initial appearance (e.g. medial surface of the thigh) and forming a wandering abscess like wandering abscess.

Common clinical manifestations of abscess are typical of purulent-inflammatory processes of any location: fever of subfebrile which brings the body temperature up to 41C ° (in severe cases), malaise and weakness, loss of appetite and strong headache. In the blood indicated by leukocytosis with neutrophilia and shift to the left of leukocyte. The extent of these changes depends on the severity of the pathological process. The clinical picture of abscesses for various organs have a specific characteristics due to the localization process. The outcome of an abscess may be a spontaneous dissection of a breakthrough to the outside (subcutaneous abscess, mastitis, paraproctitis, etc.), the breakthrough and emptying into the closed cavity (peritoneal, pleural, in the joint cavity, etc.), a breakthrough in the lumen of bodies, communicating with the external environment (intestine, stomach, bladder, bronchi, etc.). Bowels abscess cavity under favorable conditions, decreases in size, collapses and undergoes scarring. Incomplete emptying the abscess cavity and its poor drainage process may proceed with the formation of a chronic fistula. Breakthrough of pus in the closed cavity leads to the development in them purulent processes (peritonitis, pleurisy, pericarditis, meningitis, arthritis, etc.).

Abscess care

An essential factor in the successful fight against various abscesses is in their early diagnosis and treatment. This is possible only if a timely appeal to trained professionals working in multidisciplinary clinics with modern diagnostic laboratory.

The diagnosis of an abscess is an indication for surgical intervention, whose goal is opening a purulent cavity and its emptying and drainage. Treatment of small superficial abscesses subcutaneous tissue performed in the outpatient setting.

If you suspect that an abscess of the internal organs of urgent patients to be hospitalized in the surgical department. In some abscesses, such as the liver and lung ones sometimes we are to spend puncture with aspiration of pus and subsequent introduction into the cavity abscess, antibiotics, enzyme preparations. Organ resection (e.g. lung) together with abscess as a radical method of flow is used only for chronic abscess. In mature brain abscess with a well defined capsule may remove an abscess, together with its capsule.

The treatment procedure after opening the abscess is the same as the treatment of purulent wounds. Patients provide a complete balanced diet, they can be shown a transfusion of blood products, blood substitutes. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity to them microflora. Use tools specific therapy – staphylococcal anatoxin, specific gamma-globulin. When abscess that developed on the background of diabetes mellitus, must be corrected metabolic disorders.

The prognosis for treated early superficial abscesses and easily accessible for surgical intervention are mostly favorable. In later executed operation, inadequate drainage of abscess may shift the process from becoming chronic and generalized infection.

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How to cure hematoma

August 25th, 2010 by admin

Well, hematoma is perceived by doctors as a limited accumulation of blood in closed and open injuries of organs and tissues with a break or in other words injury vessels seen as a cavity containing a liquid or clotted blood.

Hematoma cure

Classifications of hematoma depends upon it’s localization i.e. subserous, subdural, intramuscular, etc. The relationship to the lumen of blood vessel being either throbbing or not pulsating is the state of out coming blood either coiled, infected or festering. The main symptoms of hematoma, located in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, are as follows: stuck pain, the presence of limited swelling, impaired function of the muscles, changes color from purple-red to yellow-green, often raise the local temperature. When a hematoma of the internal organs to the fore the symptoms of compression of the latter.

Intracerebral hematoma

There is no clear definition of “traumatic Intracerebral hematoma” which currently does reflect the real thing so far because of the continuing evolution of views on the pathogenesis of the process of traumatic hemorrhage or hemorrhagic contusion of the brain. Generally, the diagnosis is being made by computed tomography (CT) of the brain which is enhancing detecting focus of increased density in the parenchyma of the brains towards a patient with traumatic brain injury i.e. many scientists do not include this concept foci less than 1 cm in maximum dimension of it. Foci of hemorrhage is most often detected in brain areas mainly affected during acceleration / deceleration like the poles and the basal surface of the frontal, temporal and occipital lobes. Traumatic hemorrhage is usually carrying out less mass effect than would be expected for a given volume. Also, it has a tendency to a progressive increase in a few days after the injury, which reveal in consecutive control CT. In some cases, delayed hemorrhage develops, in which case it is called “later stage of traumatic hemorrhage”. CT carried out after a few months after the injury, identify minimal changes in the substance of the brain.

Acute traumatic subdural hematoma is reflected more over as blood pools in the space between the inner layer of the dura mater and the arachnoid of the brain. In patients with acute traumatic subdural hematoma is commonly found significantly more primary brain damage than patients epidural hematoma, so the results of treatment of this group of patients is much worse. The same thing occurs if we take a look at chronic subdural hematoma, which usually occurs in older people (average age – 63 years). Less than 50% of them can reveal a history of traumatic brain injury. In 20-25% of cases of chronic subdural hematoma is bilateral.
Epidural hematoma is more often a local accumulation of blood in the space between the inner surface of the skull and the outer layer of the dura mater.

Treatment of hematoma

Treatment of small hematomas are conservative: local cold and compression band, analgesics, and a few days after the injury for the physiotherapy. For large hematomas we require evacuation of liquid blood by puncture with a subsequent imposition of a pressure bandage. In the event of renewed bleeding autopsy showed bruises perstriction or angiorrhaphy. When suppuration hematomas shown its opening and drainage. In uncomplicated hematomas prognosis is usually favorable.

Treatment of intracerebral hematoma in most cases is also conservative with support of vital functions, correction of intracranial pressure in order to maintain it below 25 mm Hg (Mannitol, ventricular drainage, barbiturates, hyperventilation).

The treatment of acute traumatic subdural hematoma in most cases needs urgent surgical intervention like craniotomy and removal of hematoma. Absolute indications for surgery is hematoma thickness greater than 1 cm according to CT scan. Postoperatively, the necessity for intensive therapy with the support of vital functions and control the level of blood pressure.

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How to cure diarrhea

August 23rd, 2010 by admin

Diarrhea (Diarrhoea) is more often characterized like the one with too frequent bowel movements in which the faeces are being of soft or liquid consistency.

Diarrhea cure

Under the acute diarrhea is a changing in feaces consistency increased frequency (more than 3 times per day) and of less than 4 weeks. Although in most cases diarrhea stops itself, acute diarrhea is still an important component of morbidity and mortality, especially among children and the elderly people. Acute diarrhea refers to sophisticated kind of disease. Possible causal factors include the acceptance of drugs as well as infectious pathogens or their toxins, inflammatory or ischemic bowel disease, carbohydrates, inflammation of the pelvis. In developed countries, the most frequent cause of diarrhea are viruses such as adenoviruses, rotaviruses etc.

Viral diarrhea

Amongst the various options for viral diarrhea are the most important clinical diarrhea rotavirus. The most common form of infectious diarrhea is more often seen amongst children which is caused by a virus of Norfolk, as well as adeno-and astroviruses. The clinical picture of viral diarrhea attention is drawn to the frequent combination of diarrhea and fever with dyspeptic disorders, and often (with rotavirus diarrhea) and with the defeat of the upper respiratory tract. The appropriate diagnosis is confirmed by detection of the virus by electron microscopy or for special immunological studies (e.g. monoclonal antibodies). Diarrhea which is being caused by a virus usually perceived as favorable. Duration of disease does not exceed usually 35 days. Treatment is symptomatic and is to remove water-electrolyte disorders.
Diarrhea may develop in intestinal infections, various inflammatory bowel disease (e.g. colitis),anxiety, as well as irritable bowel syndrome. Strong or diarrhea persisting for too long can lead to significant loss of body fluids, salts and nutrients.

Viral diarrhea if acquired in modern medical practice is referred as the one of particular relevance. Amongst cases with children, the leading etiological factor causing acute infectious diarrhea is rotavirus. Most of rotavirus diarrhea amongst children under 2 years old is seen in the form of sporadic cases are possible epidemic of rotavirus infection, most often in the winter. In adults, rotavirus gastroenteritis is rarely a pathogen and the process they caused, runs erased.

Treatment of diarrhea

Treatment is directed at eliminating the causes that caused the diarrhea. For example, when injected stuff like parenterally hypovitaminosis or appropriate vitamins in medical terms, when appointed stomach gastric juice or its substitutes, with pancreatic insufficiency – pancreatin or panzinorm as well as Festal, etc. If diarrhea has occurred and is not related to infection, showing light diet aspect i.e. restriction of carbohydrates, fats of animal refractory origin, frequent small feedings, thorough chewing of food. As symptomatic of using calcium carbonate, bismuth preparations or decoctions of oak bark, grasses, hypericum, serpentine root, cinquefoil, or burnet one as well as wild cherry fruit, extract of blueberries, alder aggregate fruits, flowers, chamomile tincture of belladonna etc. With the diarrhea caused by dysbiosis shall appoint kolibakterin, lactobacterin, bifikol, bifidumbacterin.

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How to cure insomnia

August 22nd, 2010 by admin

Probably each of us at least once in our live suffered from insomnia. Well, it could be the night before an exam, or before an important meeting when you tried to go early and get a good sleep. Instead, lay for hours without sleep, painfully scrolling options for upcoming events. Or, coming after a hard day, literally sleeping on the go, you went to bed dreaming of coveted vacation, but alas, the bed uncomfortable, it prevented some barely discernable sound – and wants to sleep forever disappears. Such problems regularly arise in 30-45% of people, half of them become chronic.

Insomnia cure

In the course of insomnia is divided into three stages.

First – this is the onset of sleep difficulties or disorders i.e. trouble when falling asleep. And gradually formed a human whole rituals, bedtime, you may see “the fear of bed” or fear of “non-occurrence of sleep.”

Problem of the second phase is frequent nocturnal awakening from a sound or from a deep sleep, nightmares, feelings of pain, respiratory failure, sudden movements, after which the man can not sleep for a long time.

Finally, the third stage which is the most troubleshooting. In comes when there is a problem of heavy morning surge followed with low efficiency, feeling broken and drowsiness.

There are also cases where a person complains that “no sleep during the night, but during the checkup the doctor revealed that he was asleep, and at least 5 hours a day. This situation is called a distorted perception of sleep or sleeping agnosia.

So, if you have insomnia, you may well be that the problem is easily solved if you learn to sleep properly! That means you are supposed to organize your schedule of work and leisure, as a rule, take before bedtime a warm, relaxing bath, maybe you should undergo autotraining.
In cases where insomnia is caused by fatigue, stress, you can take sleeping pills, but it should be remembered that, firstly, you must strictly follow the rules of taking this product, and secondly, that the duration of any hypnotics should not exceed 10-14 days. During this period, as a rule, not habit-forming and addiction, and there is no problem of drug discontinuation. To observe this principle is difficult, since most people prefer to use drugs, rather than painfully endure sleep disturbance.

You may also need further examination by a neurologist. For the treatment of insomnia you can assign physiotherapy treatment, phototherapy, acupuncture course, a course of psychotherapy.

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How to cure atherosclerosis

August 17th, 2010 by admin

Atherosclerosis is the most common chronic disease of the arteries, with the formation of single and multiple foci of lipid and mainly cholesterol deposits in terms of plaque in the inner membrane of the arteries. Subsequent expansion in its connective tissue (sclerosis) and the deposition of calcium in the vessel wall leads to deformation and narrowing of its lumen up to complete blockage of the artery. Thus, the insufficient blood supply to the body is fed through the affected artery. In addition, the possible acute blockage or occlusion with the lumen of the artery or thrombus, or more rarely the contents of the broken plaque, or both, and the other at the same time, which leads to the formation of foci of necrosis like infarction, or gangrene in the body, which feeds this artery. Atherosclerosis occurs with greatest frequency amongst men aged 50-60 and women aged over 60 years. No doubt the value of so-called risk factors for atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis cure

Acquired risk factors are the following ones:

  • Smoking.
  • Overweight.
  • High blood cholesterol.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Stress.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

The successful treatment of atherosclerosis is a very difficult task. There is no drug that can help everyone at once. Each patient may have their own peculiarities of the disease. Treatment of atherosclerosis for a long or virtually lifelong and requiring significant economic costs.

At present, there are several routes of exposure to illness:

  • Reducing income of cholesterol in the body.
  • The decrease in cholesterol synthesis in the cells of organs and tissues.
  • Increased excretion of cholesterol and products of its metabolism.
  • Reduction of lipid peroxidation.
  • Application special therapy in women during menopause.
  • Exposure to possible infectious agents.

Intake reduction of cholesterol in the body can be made via the diet, exclusion from the diet products containing fats and cholesterol. This will be discussed below, since such a diet also serves as treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

In order to carry medication, you must first obtain the data of biochemical analysis of blood. This allows you to specify the content of cholesterol and its various fractions of lipids. In Eastern Europe around 60% of people have cholesterol above normal, and 20% experience these figures simply too high according to European Association of Cardiology. EAC has developed a table for patients with CHD. This table is called “Rule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5”, which allows the doctor to determine the tactics of treatment.

Today in the world for the treatment of atherosclerosis used four groups of drugs:

First group is called preparations of nicotinic acid. The advantage of these type of products are low price. However, to achieve the effect required high doses of 1,5-3 g / day, equivalent to the existing pharmacies pill nicotinic acid is 30-60 tablets of 0.05 g. When you receive such a quantity of tablets can occur hot flashes, headaches, pain in the stomach. Do not take niacin on an empty stomach and drink hot tea or coffee. Nicotinic acid effectively lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, increases antiatherogenic HDL thicknesses. However, the treatment is contraindicated in patients with liver disease, as nicotinic acid may cause a malfunction in the liver and fatty steatosis.

Second group is Fibrates. This group includes such drugs as gevilan, atromid, miskleron. They reduce the synthesis of fats in the body. They may also disrupt the functioning of the liver and enhance the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

The next group of drugs i.e. bile acids. Their action is similar to that of ion exchange resins. They bind bile acids in the intestine and remove them. Since bile acid is a product of cholesterol and fat, it thereby reduces the amount of cholesterol and fats in the blood. These drugs are Holestid and cholestyramine ones. All of them are unpleasant to the taste, so it is usually recommended to drink their juice or soup. In applying bile acids can be constipation, flatulence and other violations of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they can disrupt the absorption of other medications, so other drugs should be taken for 1 hour or 4 hours after admission bile acids.

The most severe reduction of cholesterol and fats in the blood are in the application of so called statin drugs. These drugs reduce the production of cholesterol by the body. Statins are from fungi named zokor, Mevacor,and pravahol or produced synthetically like leskol. Assign these drugs once a day, evening, as the night increased production of cholesterol. The effectiveness of statins demonstrated by many studies. Unfortunately, they also can cause a malfunction in the liver.

It must be remembered that treatment can be most effective only subject to the doctor’s recommendations on the principles of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles, and surgical treatment of atherosclerosis – this is only treatment of its severe complications, which, unfortunately, does not warrant further development and progression of the disease.

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How to cure women’s diseases

August 16th, 2010 by admin


Thrush is seen in modern medicine as a decease cured by vernacular vaginal candidiasis, because of isolation and plaque on the mucous membranes reminiscent of certain dairy products.

The causative of thrush is in many cases Candida i.e. the type of fungus which is normally present in the body. Candida is present in the skin and mucous membranes (mouth and intestines) of most healthy people. Under certain conditions this type of fungus grows very rapidly, causing thrush. The most common thrush occurs when decline of general and local immunity. If treatment is not started selling milk in a timely manner, then it might be delayed very long time.

Oral-genital contact contribute to infection because many people are the ones who carry of Candida in e oral cavity. In chronic vaginal thrush cases it may occur like experience disorders of immunity, predominantly having local spread. In predisposed to thrush women can be a special form of allergy – hypersensitivity to Candida, which explains the frequent exacerbation. Without survey to talk about lowered immunity can not.
The acute form of thrush which is called candidiasis if left untreated can lead to chronic cases. For the chronic form is characterized by multiple relapses, the causes in most cases is a secondary infection. Typically such patients are identified gastro-intestinal tract i.e. dysbacteriosis and various gynecological diseases which reduce local immunity. Treat chronic yeast is much more difficult and running form can lead to serious complications like inflammation of the pelvic organs, spike, infertility, intrauterine infection of the fetus.

The transmission cases of thrush from mother to infant occurs in 70% of cases which is a relatively high figure compared to other deceses. It is equally common in both cases i.e. parous independently or caesarean section.

Symptoms of thrush in women:

  • Burning and itching of the external genitalia;
  • White cheesy vaginal discharge;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Pain when urinating.

These symptoms may appear in aggregate and individually, but usually there are only a few of them. The nature of precipitates with thrush may be slightly different, but often they are thick, cheesy, white. A woman feels strongly expressed itching in the vagina, which is particularly exacerbated when wearing overlying synthetic underwear. Furthermore, there is mucosal edema of the labia and spread of the inflammatory process in the region of the anus. In any case, if you notice in yourself any unusual for you to isolation and feeling better than refer to gynecologist for detailed advice on the treatment of thrush.

Symptoms of thrush in men:

  • Burning and itching of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • Redness of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • White patches on the glans penis;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Pain when urinating.

Treating thrush or effective treatment

There are many ways of treatment and remedies for thrush. Some of them are used topically (cream, vaginal tablet or suppository e tc.), others are supposed to be consumed inside (tablets or capsules for oral administration). For the right recommendations for appropriate treatment of thrush it is better to contact your doctor. Many of the doctors prescribe different drugs and supplements, but the effects of most of these treatments for thrush has not been proven yet. For example, the use of medications with bacteria as well as tampons has no scientific basis. Drugs that stimulate the immune system, in most cases is also not feasible without a special survey. And it is not necessary to treat thrush from her husband if he is healthy. As for thrush for men topical treatment is typically used. Preparations in the form of a cream applied to the penis twice a day during the week. Usually this measure is sufficient for the treatment of male thrush, as male body is less prone to fungus Candida. However, in cases where the thrush develops long-standing and access to a doctor happened rather late, the patient prescribed antifungal drugs for oral administration.

Remember: along with the treatment of thrush we should seek and remove the cause of immunodeficiency, strengthen our own microflora. Without this thrush will appear again and again.

Enuresis – inconvenience or a severe decease?

Enuresis is more known as bed-wetting occurs in preschool and school age usually amongst boys. Distinguish the functional form of enuresis due to the influence of psychogenic factors, defects of education, past infectious diseases and emerging reflex in diseases of the genitourinary system, and organic i.e. the change of spinal cord defects in development.

Night involuntary urination which is noticible during sleep is regarded as the result of lack or insufficiency of conditioned reflex connections, carrying in his sleep control act of urination. Some children is the involuntary loss of urine during daytime sleep, sometimes there is quickening impulses to urinate.

Reveals the vegetative symptoms:

  • Amedlennoe heartbeat.
  • Cyanosis of the extremities.
  • Hypothermia.

There have neurotic disorders:

  • Irascibility.
  • Subtlety.
  • Suppression of shyness.

In many cases amongst schoolboys one can see school performance being often reduced. When the organic form to detect changes in muscle tone, tendon reflexes, violation sensitivity.

Treatment of enuresis at young age

  • Children with enuresis over 6-10 years require a urological examination.
  • Adequate treatment is determined according to the results of medical surveys!
    • For younger children recommended the following:

      • Termination of fluid intake 2 hours before sleep.
      • Planting of the child to the toilet at night (“forced” urination).
      • Limitation of irritating and stimulating psyche of external influences (game consoles, TV, outdoor games, etc.).
      • Restricting the use of diapers (Pampers remove irritant and retard the development of a conditioned reflex, the child feels no discomfort after urination).
      • Herbal medicine (the use of sedative herbs: peppermint, valerian, Leonurus, etc.).
      • Restorative physical effects (contrast showers in the morning, etc.).
      • Coniferous bath.


      Vaginitis also known as coleitis is in fact inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina being caused by various bacteria and protozoa. A sense of burning in the genital area. By possessing factors include hypovarianism, breach of the rules of personal hygiene.

      There are known the following types of Vaginitis i.e. acute, subacute and chronic vaginitis. In acute inflammation of the complaint to a feeling of heaviness in the vagina, burning and itching around the external genitalia, abundant serous-purulent leucorrhoea.

      If you could discover unpleasant separation please do not be afraid of something terrible since it can be a normal vagina. Just refer to the gynecologist to be examined. The disease more often begins with long thick whitish discharge. It may be watery or purulent. During urination, there is often itching and burning. A woman constantly feels the burden and discomfort in the genital area with sexual intercourse becoming painful. Despite all the discomfort occurred vaginitis does not bring the usual strong unpleasant female for the body. However, consulting your doctor should definitely because the symptoms are similar to many serious diseases leke candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. These diseases have already entail serious consequences.

      Vaginitis is caused by microorganisms, which always live in the vagina, but not much. In healthy women is dominated by lactic acid bacteria. But circumstances can arise so that pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) begin to multiply vigorously. Their reproduction is likely to worsen during pregnancy. Give an analysis of a pregnancy. Pregnant women should be required to treat vaginitis, as at birth the child may become infected. Vaginitis increases the risk of ruptures of the cervix during childbirth.

      Treatment of vaginitis

      Treatment of vaginitis consists of local and general, taking into account types of microbes, causing inflammation. It is an important factor in recovery is complete cessation of sexual activity for the whole period of treatment. Need to conduct a survey and, if necessary – treatment of sexual partner.
      When thick purulent or mucous discharge vaginal douching spend antiseptic solutions. Upon the termination of purulent discharge vaginal douching carried out with the cementing (decoction of oak bark, for example). At the same time applying restorative treatment.

      Antibiotics were prescribed after determining the sensitivity to them of the agent. They are used topically in the form of ointments.

      In case of insufficient treatment efficacy, propensity to relapse or during menopause and in marked hypovarianism recommended local application of estrogenic hormones.

      Particular attention is paid to treatment of vaginitis in pregnant women. On the one hand, they have extremely important to fully remove the inflammatory process, on the other hand – Pregnancy imposes restrictions on the spectrum, dosage and how to use drugs. Proper treatment of vaginitis and the subsequent prevention of recurrence provide a good prognosis in most cases.

      Womens diseases cure

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How to cure panic disorder

August 16th, 2010 by admin

What is a panic attack and how it differs from panic disorder?

Panic attack is an episode expressed discomfort or fear with desire panic attacks during which suddenly appear. That at least has four of the following symptoms:

  • Pronounced heartbeat.
  • Sweating.
  • Tremor.
  • The feeling of closeness or shortness of breath.
  • The feeling of suffocation.
  • Chest pain.
  • Nausea or other gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Dizziness.
  • Unpleasant bodily sensations.
  • Chills, or blood flow to the person.
  • A feeling of unreality or a feeling of detachment from oneself.
  • Fear of losing control or going mad.
  • Fear of death.

Mental disorders in which panic attacks may experience:

  • Various phobias (including social).
  • Depression.
  • Withdrawal symptoms of psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs).
  • Etc.

Panic disorder cure

Actually panic disorder is the appearance of repeated, unexplained mental attacks. People with panic disorder, at least a month to worry about the repetition of the attack or the possible consequences of such (eg, death, car accident, failure to perform their duties). Individuals suffering from panic disorder, often linked their attacks to certain situations (such as staying in a traffic jam or in a crowd) and can fill future panic attacks waiting to enter such a situation. They may begin to avoid those situations which, in their opinion, can trigger panic attacks. In many cases, panic disorder attack appear suddenly, without any provoking factor.

How to effectively treat panic disorder?

The greatest impact in the treatment of panic attacks gives the combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy.

Benzodiazepines with a rapid onset of action (such as alprazolam) are suitable for the rapid decline in the intensity of panic symptoms. Preparations with a slower onset of action and longer half-life (such as clonazepam) may be preferable for the prevention of panic attacks in the future i.e. especially when they are taken regularly, according to the established regime. A new generation of antidepressants like fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, and others are also seen very effective and have preferred to TCA because of better tolerability.

One only drug therapy used less and less. Found that the frequency of relapses after drug withdrawal exceeds 50%. Although the drugs clearly reduce the frequency of attacks and severity of symptoms, they are not particularly effective in reducing the likelihood of anxious foreboding or phobic avoidance. To treat such aspects of panic disorder is particularly suitable cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT is usually short-term psychotherapy, which includes exercises for relaxation with the study of disturbed thought processes. Patients are taught to modify these processes, which helps reduce the sense of foreboding. Then they are gradually exposed to situations involving the appearance of panic attacks, in order to pay their alarm response and reduce phobic avoidance. CBT helps people to successfully reduce the dose of drugs such as benzodiazepines, without immediate recurrence of symptoms, thus improving treatment outcome in general. If the patient has a relapse of symptoms occurs, then to limit the severity and duration of relapse are often suitable brief reminder of techniques CTC.

It is important to remember that, despite the information given here should take into account their general character. The choice of therapy, specific drug are best left to an experienced specialist in the field of mental health. It must be remembered that the treatment of panic disorder should be prolonged, not only to eliminate the panic attacks, but to prevent their recurrence, to stabilize the condition.

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How to cure stomach ache

August 9th, 2010 by admin

Self-diagnosis of the causes of abdominal pain

Everyone knows, that stomach ache is one of the most frequent complaints of patients when coming to the doctor. Indeed, everyone in life at least once felt the hit in the stomach and the discomfort that causes abdominal pain in some cases heavy compared with other pain. Causes of symptoms for stomach ache are a lot and can be as disease of the intestine or just stomach as well as liver and gall bladder and pancreas or even inflammation appendicitis and kidney. In some cases even heart problems can also cause abdominal pain. In a separate group can be identified disease causing abdominal pain with more typical for women who testify about the possible diseases of the urinary system or internal genital organs.

Stomach ache cure

As you can see that the reason that the stomach hurts a lot and for the correct diagnosis most likely is extremely important to correctly identify all the characteristics of abdominal pain:

  • Localization of pain i.e. the place the greatest pain (for a precise definition should lie on your back and gently palpate the stomach, finding the place causing the greatest pain)
  • Type of pain i.e. pain may be sharp and dull, aching, inflates and compressive
  • Accompanying symptoms i.e. vomiting, nausea, fever, diarrhea, increased pain during certain activities or making certain provisions of the body.
  • That preceded the emergence of pain and it’s development after a nervous tension, physical exertion, eating, drinking alcohol, etc.

Determination of initial diagnosis for abdominal pain

The most common erroneous action of patients when a stomach ache is receiving pain medication, especially when strong pains and prolonged pain. Each of us knows from school that pain is one of the protective functions of the body which signals the different diseases. And get rid of the pain we are absolutely not the decisive reason for its occurrence. With the strong and prolonged pain in the abdomen when the treatment to the doctor is necessary by taking pain medications can complicate the correct diagnosis.

Preliminary identification of the causes of abdominal pain and abdominal pain can be defined using the card abdomen. Align the localization of their own pain with the placement of internal organs. But this is only an approximate determination of the reasons for many diseases the localization of pain is the same. To clarify the reasons for visit:

  • Determine a preliminary diagnosis for abdominal pain.
  • Determination of initial diagnosis in abdominal pain.

Stomach diseases (Overview by the Russian Health Dpt.)

We often hear and see in the advertising offers like: “Discounted tours and huge discounts on travel! Perfect make-up: how to apply shadow Holidays in the resorts of Cyprus with tours from USD400. Faster and cheaper than a villa! Book a citrus juicer and consume fresh juice every day! Helpful for stomach deceases! But is that really true?

From common sense we know that most stomach troubles in the summer period are due to infection. Over the sufferer who kept running around to fix need like to play pranks and eating various stuff do not even think how serious the consequences may be such a bustle. Meanwhile, intestinal infections, such as salmonella may cause not only too serious ailments, but also contagious to others.

“Disease of dirty hands” can become infected through the water as well as through food or in the event that does not take into account the requirements of daily hygiene. Manifestations of gastric diseases almost indistinguishable among themselves, and find an adequate diagnosis is possible only on the basis of bacteriological examination. All intestinal disease in similar ways: with abdominal pain, nausea and rackets. Often this phenomenon is characterized by high fever. Detected infectious agents like salmonella, dysentery, or Escherichia coli may determine the appropriate treatment procedures.

Frequent walking to the bathroom leads to the danger of so called dehydration rights. Lack of water and salts can have serious complications causing infection, toxic shock, extreme kidney failure and pneumonia sometimes followed by heart attack and failure of cerebral circulation. The most rapid dehydration occurs amongst children and the investigation process may be too complicated, sometimes lethal.

Do we have to treat at home? If the patient’s health is not alarming the doctor may allow him/her to stay on treatment at home. Typically, it takes about a week staying at a rigid diet in order to organize the effective work of the stomach. Medications ordered by your doctor are also a necessity which has to be used and before the arrival of the doctor a sick person has to be placed in a separate room, to give him individual dishes and toilet facilities.

Also, the WC room must be thoroughly cleaned with detergents, which include chlorine, does not prevent the emergence of microbes.

What food stuff is perceived dangerous at this stage? Cakes, whipped cream, cheese, milk that you buy regularly at the market most be avoided since they may be the causes of infection. Reliable are the dairy products that have manufacturing sterilization, or if you do them urgently treated at home. In summer it is better not have cooked boiled eggs. You are in danger, while eating in the summer jellies, blood and liver sausage. Dangerous products at this very period of time are: sliced watermelon, which remained in the refrigerator, corn and peas porridge, mashed potatoes, salad and olive trees.

Please do not worry when the symptoms of diarrhea occur since that does not last more than two days, accompanied by fever, yellowing of the protein does not appear in his eyes, and a correction needs deprived of blood and mucus, a diarrhea advised to treat yourself.

First, refrain from eating at the time comprise a period of 1-2 days. At the same time a patient needs a lot of drinking on a hourly basis like a mug of warm tea or boiled water per hour! In addition, it is necessary to know whether a patient loses sodium and chlorine. This loss can be resumed with the use a glass of boiled water in which to breed a small spoonful of salt.

It is desirable to prepare and therapeutic compotes made by 2-3 potatoes, regular-sized grate on large grater, cover with 2 cups of cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes, drain, cool, and before eating – a little salt the. You may use also compote of dried apricots, bananas. Sugar is added should not be with drink of herbal can make disinfection stomach. Tablespoon of oak bark pour a glass of boiled water, to insist 15 minutes in a water bath, drain and drink 1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day.

Drink a green walnut or peel a pomegranate can be done in the same way. Not bad disinfect the intestines drinks with blueberries.

Some Docs recommend to accessible mint tea but that’s not suitable for everyone. Two teaspoons of dried peppermint pour a glass of boiled water and insist in a sealed pan 5 minutes, then drain.

Intestinal infections disrupt the intestinal absorption, and drugs will not have the desired effect.

Do not rush to use and advertised drugs. They briefly paralyzing the muscles of the stomach, then the pain weakens and rackets stops. But the causes of disease – the pathogens and their toxins – more remain in the body.

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